Reubin M. Drake

Reubin M. Drake

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Born: 1823

Died: BEF 1866



Elijah Drake

Phoeba Rae


Elizabeth Drake
  +Isaac Hillis
        Isaac Hillis
        Ann Hillis
        Phebe Hillis
        Mary Hillis
        Ellihu Hillis
        Sarah Hillis
John M. Drake
  +Mary Hillis
  +Disa Seitz
Carter Drake
  +Hetty Gamble
Abraham Drake
  +Elizabeth York

Family #1


Martha England
f: Joseph England
m: Lucy Wilcher
   gf: Thomas Wilcher
   gm: Ann Walton

Married: 3 Feb 1856
Warren County, TN: License Record Vol A 1852-1864

Family #2


Nancy unknown

Photo Archive

John Alexander McGee
Joseph England McGee
Mary Ann McGee
Martin Van Buren McGee
James M. McGee
Martha C. McGee
Reubin M. Drake
Martha  England
Archibald C. McGee
Martha Drake Will (1 of 3)
John Alexander McGee
Joseph England McGee
Mary Ann McGee
Martin Van Buren McGee
James M. McGee
Martha C. McGee
Reubin M. Drake
Martha  England
Archibald C. McGee
Martha Drake Will (2 of 3)
John Alexander McGee
Joseph England McGee
Mary Ann McGee
Martin Van Buren McGee
James M. McGee
Martha C. McGee
Reubin M. Drake
Martha  England
Archibald C. McGee
Martha Drake Will (3 of 3)
Reubin M. Drake
Martha  England
Reuben Drake and Martha McGee Marriage Record

General Sources

  1. Thomas Jefferson Barnes Papers
    TSLA Mf #654, Reel #1 - Drake
  2. 1860 Census
    Warren County, TN #998
  3. Tennessee Wills
    Warren County, TN, Wills and Inventories, Vol 8, Oct 1887-Aug1892, Page 160 - Martha Drake
  4. 1860 Census
    1860 Census - Warren County, TN
    |h# |f# |name        |age |s|occu   |re  |pe  |bi|m|s|PO         |page|date
    |994|994|Lucy Forrest|77  |f|HK     |1000|6000|VA| | |McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
    |   |   |Nancy Earls |53  |f|HK     |    |    |NC| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Starky      |3   |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |995|995|Alex Earls  |36  |m|Far    |2000|200 |TN| |4|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
    |   |   |Mary        |32  |f|HK     |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |William     |13  |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Catherine   |11  |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Martha      |10  |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Saml        |8   |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Francis     |5   |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Tellitha    |3   |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Charles     |4/12|m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |996|996|Robt Argo   |27  |m|L      |    |50  |TN| |1|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
    |   |   |Mary        |24  |f|HK     |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |William     |6   |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Taylor      |5   |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Martha      |1   |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |997|997|James McGee |21  |m|L      |    |150 |TN| | |McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
    |   |   |Ann         |18  |f|HK     |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |998|998|Reuben Drake|38  |m|Far    |4000|2500|TN|1|3|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
    |   |   |Martha      |49  |f|HK     |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Archibald   |18  |m|L      |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Wm          |17  |m|Student|    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Martha      |14  |f|Student|    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Elijah      |13  |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Sarah       |11  |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |Phebe       |8   |f|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |
    |   |   |James       |6   |m|       |    |    |TN| | |           |    |


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