The Minidoka Co., News, Rupert, Idaho, August 2, 1965 (Front Page3)
Howard Easton 88, longtime Paul resident, died early Sunday morningat Burley Nursing home following a long illness.
He was born, Oct. 9, 1876 at Garner, Illinois. and moved toNebraska. He came to Burley about 1912 from Cambridge, Nebr., then movedto Paul in the fall of 1913 and had resided there ever since. He was aretired farmer and one of the founders of Paul Electric. He was a memberof the Paul Methodist Church and Paul Grange.
Mr. Easton was married Sept., 22, 1897 at Beaver City, Nebr. toRilla Belle Runkle, who passed away Oct. 23, 1938. He married Lena BuckAdams in 1939 and she survives him.
Other survivors are two sons, Clinton and Charley Easton, both ofPaul; four daughters Mrs. Reed Arthur of Paul, Mrs. George Batinovich ofOakland, Calif. Mrs. Vern Patterson and Mrs. Earl Goode, both of Rupert,eight grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters, Effie Underhill ofSouth Dakota and Emma Yates of Long Beach Calif.
Funeral services will be conducted at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the WalkMortuary chapel with the Rev. A. E. Gilbert of the Paul Methodist Churchand the Rev. John B. Sims of Twin Falls officiating. Intermanet will bein the Paul cemetery.