Norman T. McGee
Biographical Appendix, Pg. 1010-1011,GOODSPEED'S History of Hamilton, Knox and Shelby Counties of Tennessee.
Dr. J.P. McGee, surgeon and physician of Memphis, Tenn, is a native of Henry County, Tenn. born in 1835, and is one of a family of six children--three sons and three daughters. The father, Richard McGee, was born in Rockbridge County, Va., in 1775, and came to Tennessee when a young man. He was married in Kentucky about 1808 to Elizabeth Gentry, a native of that State, born about 1787, and the daughter of a prominent farmer and stock-grower of Kentucky. Richard McGee was a farmer by occupation, and located in Henry County in 1833. Previous to this he had resided for some time in Giles County and had held some prominent political offices in that county. From 1833 to 1851 he resided in Henry County, after which he removed to Gibson County, and here passed the remainder of his days. He served in the war of 1812 as captain and died in 1865. Our subject received his literary education at Bethel College, McLemoreville, Tenn., taking the degree of B.A. and in 1881 was called upon by that institute to deliver the baccalaureate discourse. Hebegan the study of medicine under two of thje prominent physicians of Trenton in 1856, and in 1861 graduated as M.D. from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In May, 1861, he joined Company F, Twelfth Regiment, Provisional Army of Tennessee, and when the company was organized as regular soldiers of the Confederate Army he was made assistant surgeon. From that he was promoted by degrees to the highest ranks in that department. He was once captured but remained in prison only a short time. After the war he practiced medicine at Hickman, KY., a short time, and in April, 1867, he located at Trenton, Tenn. February 22, 1866, he married Jennie C. Elder, a native of Gibson County, and the daughter of Monroe B. and Lucy Elder. This union resulted in the birth of four children--two sons and two daughters. In September, 1883, the Docytor came to Memphis, and he is succeeding well in the practice of his profession. He is prominently connected with the Tennessee Medical Association, and as he has given his special attention to surgerey, is unexcelled in that branch of the profession. He is an aardent Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Email from Joe Baber, , August 16, 2002.
Monroe B. Elder B: Abt. 1816, Fact: of Dinwiddie, VA
Lucy A. Baber m. November 02, 1837 in GIbson Co., Tennessee