Margarite Marie "Mikki" Failner

Margarite Marie "Mikki" Failner

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Born: 6 Apr 1918
Pigeon Creek, Baxter Co., AR

Died: 24 Feb 2003
Santa Clara, CA





Roland Reed Squires Sr.

Married: 29 Aug 1938
Twin Falls, ID


Roland Reed Squires Jr.
Ronald Edward Squires
Rick Lynn Squires
Cheri Margaret Squires

Photo Archive

Edna Florence McGee
Ruby Vera McGee
John William McGee
Winnie Frances Thompson
Ova Zelmonia McGee
Elmer Archie McGee
Ralph Cecil McGee
Ellis Eddington McGee
Edie  Failner
Rosa C. Thompson
Nelly Althea McGee
Margaret F. Chandler
John Eddington McGee
Winford  Failner
John  Failner
Margarite  Failner
John & William McGee and John Failner Families

General Sources

  1. Debbie Wilkins
    Rose Florence Thompson family article Written by Debra Wilkins A Grand-Daughter August 2, 2000
  2. 1920 Census
    1920 Census - Jerome, Idaho - January 7, 1920
    |fm|sa |h# |Name              |rel    |h|s|r|age   |m|    |    |sc|rd |wri|birth  |father  |mother  |trade |type        |em|f#|twp          |pg |date
    |fm|175|178|Failner, John     |Head   |R|m|w|50    |m|1903|1910|  |yes|yes|Germany|Germany |Germany |farmer|general farm|oa|86|Eden precinct|36b|January 21, 1920
    |  |   |   |Failner, Rosa     |Wife   | |f|w|21    |m|    |    |no|yes|yes|Akansas|Missouri|Missouri|none  |            |  |  |             |   |
    |  |   |   |Failner, Winford  |son    | |m|w|4 2/12|s|    |    |  |   |   |Akansas|Germany |Arkansas|none  |            |  |  |             |   |
    |  |   |   |Failner, Margarite|daugher| |f|w|1 6/12|s|    |    |  |   |   |Akansas|Germany |Arkansas|none  |            |  |  |             |   |
    |  |   |   |Failner, Edny     |son    | |m|w|9/12  |s|    |    |  |   |   |Akansas|Germany |Arkansas|none  |            |  |  |             |   |
  3. Margie Garr
    Hatch Match & Dispatch, Vol. 2, transcribed from "The Baxter Bulletin"

    April 19,1918, page 16, A girl was born on Friday to Mr. & Mrs. John Failner.


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