Cambridge, Nebraska | February 27, 1947 |
The Cambridge Clarion, newspaper, Cambridge, NE, Feb. 27, 1947 Microfilm Roll No. 9648, copied by Audra McGee at the Butler Memorial Library SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. HERMAN GUTZMAN FRIDAY AFTERNOON Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon for Mrs. Herman Gutzman at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Fattig in Cambridge by John Doak and James Greenfield, ministers of the Gospel. A large number of relatives and friends were there to pay their last respects to one they loved. Remains were laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery in Cambridge. Pallbearers were Barney Culver, Ernest Moore, Rollie Breaker, Frank Campbell, Orva Trosper and Francis Brown. The obituary follows: Mina Bell Gutzman Mina bell Gutzman, daughter of Charles Henry Fattig and Mary Jane Fattig was born at Redding, Ringgold County, Iowa, Feb. 6, 1889 and passed away at Coolidge, Arizona at the age of 58 years and eleven days. In 1906 she with her parents moved from near Holdrege, Nebr. to the farm southeast of Cambridge where her mother now resides. On Sept. 4, 1907 she was united in marriage to Herman Gutzman at McCook, Nebr. To this union two sons and two daugh- ters was born. She lived near and in Cambridge until 1939 at which time due to ill health she and her husband left Cambridge going to Idaho for a short while. In 1941 they moved to Arizona where they have made their home. She is survived by her husband and daughters, Bertha Mae Harsch, Bartley, Nebr., Lyllis Marie Norris of Twin Falls, Idaho; her mother, Mary Jane Fattig, Cambridge, Nebr.; five brothers, Grover, Alfred and Leslie of Cambridge, Nebr., Jess of Pendleton, Oregon and Floyd of Richfield, Utah; five grand children; many other relatives and a host of friends. Her two sons and father preceeded her in death. She was a kind and living wife and mother, a good neighbor and friend, and will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege of knowing her. She bore her afflictions so gently and courageous never complaining. Several years ago she gave her life to the Lord and sought to faithfully serve Him to the end.