Born: Jan 1850 Missouri |
Jacob Clem
Married: 26 Oct 1869 Caldwell Co., Missouri |
General Sources
1860 Census - Caldwell County, Missouri - July 17, 1860 |h# |f# |name |ag|s|occu |re |pe |birth |s|r |775|775|J. A. Groves|49|M|Farmer|9600|1808|Virginia| | | | |S. Groves |45|F| | | |Virginia| |x | | |M.J. Groves |10|F| | | |Missouri|x|
1850 Census - Caldwell County, Missouri - August 28, 1850 |h#|f#|name |age |s|r|occu |re |birth |twp |p |24|24|John Groves |41 |M|W|Farmer|1500|Virginia|Caldwell Co.|4 | | |Sarah Groves |41 |F|W| | |Virginia| | | | |Mary Groves |11 |F|W| | |Ohio | | | | |Missouri Groves|6 |F|W| | |Missouri| | | | |Minerva Groves |3/12|F|W| | |Missouri| |
1870 Census - Livingston County, Missouri - July 19, 1870 |f|name |ag|s|r|occu |vpe|birth |my |w|2|twp |po |p |9|Clem, Jacob |28|M|W|Farmer |150|Indiana | |x|x|Cream|Farmersville| | |Clem, Minerva|20|F|W|Keeping House| |Missouri|Oct| | |Ridge| |
1880 Census - Caldwell County, Missouri - June 4th, 1880 |d#|f#|name |r|s|Age |rel |m|w|occu |birth |Father |mother |43|45|Clem, Jacob |W|M|38 |head |m| |Farmer |Indiana |Indiana |Indiana | | |Clem, Minerva J.|W|F|30 |wife |m| |House keeper|Missiouri|Virginia|Virginia | | |Clem, Nora E. |W|F|12 |daughter | | |at home |Missiouri|Indiana |Missouri | | |Clem, Nathan M. |W|M|6 |son | | |at home |Missiouri|Indiana |Missouri | | |Clem, Robert E. |W|M|4 |son | | |at home |Missiouri|Indiana |Missouri | | |Clem, Noah R. |W|M|2 |son | | |at home |Missiouri|Indiana |Missouri | | |Clem, Sarah E. |w|F|3/12|daughter | | |at home |Missiouri|Indiana |Missouri | | |Groves, John A. |w|M|76 |father-in-law| |x|at home |Virginia |Virginia|Virginia | | |Cramer, Sarah |w|F|18 |servant | | | |Wis |New York|Wis
1900 Census - Linn County -June 23, 1900 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth |father |mother |occu |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h |f# |twp |160|160|Clem, Jacob |Head |W|M|Dec 1842 |58|M|30| | |Indiana |Virginia|Virginia|Farmer |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|M|Farm of house|133|Price | | |Clem, Mary J. |Wife |w|F|April 1850|50|m|30|8|8|Missouri|Virginia|Virginia| | | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Clem, Robt. E. |son |w|M|Aug. 1876 |23|S| | | |Missouri|Indiana |Missouri|Farm laborer| | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Clem, Edith |daughter|w|F|Mar 1880 |20|S| | | |Missouri|Indiana |Missouri|At School | |9|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Clem, Ira |son |w|m|Mar 1882 |18|s| | | |Missouri|Indiana |Missouri|Farm laborer| | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Clem, John F. |son |w|m|Aug 1887 |12|s| | | |Oregon |Indiana |Missouri|At School | |9|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Clem, Joseph H.|son |w|m|July 1892 |8 |s| | | |Oregon |Indiana |Missouri|At School | |6| | | | | | | |
1910 Census - Lane County, Oregon - May 12, 1910 |hn|fn|Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |ym|nc|l|birth |father |mother | |occu |wk|rd |wri|sch|o|f|h |f#|twp |pg |60|60|Clem, Jacob |Head|M|W|68|M1|40| | |Indiana |Virginia|Virginia|Eng|Farmer|OA|yes|yes| |O|F|Farm of house|34|Zumwalt|3B | | |Clem, Minerva J.|wife|F|w|60|Mi|40|10|8|Missouri|Ohio |Virginia|Eng|none | |yes|yes| | | | | | | | | |Clem, Joseph H. |son |m|w|18|s | | | |Oregon |Indiana |Missouri|eng|none | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | |
1920 Census - Walla Walla County, Washington - Date |sa|h#|Name |re|h|f|s|r|ag|m|rd |wri|birth |father |mother |trade |emp |twp |pg |37|36|Clem, Jacob |H |O|F|M|W|78|M|Yes|Yes|Indiana |Virginia|Virginia|Farmer|Own farm|Bemey|2A | | |Clem, Minerva|wf| | |F|W|69|m|Yes|Yes|Missouri|Virginia|Virginia|none | | |Marriage Sources