White Co., TN | July 7, 1846 |
White County Tennessee Deed Book O; 1844-1848 Page 306 Joseph W. Glenn Tax Collector | to | Nancy Pirtle | Whereas a judgment was given in favor of the State by the Circuit Court of White County at the June Term 1845 for four Dollars and twenty one cents for taxes cost and charges due and unpaid for the year 1844 against a tract of Land of which Nancy Pirtle is the reputed owner containing by Estimation ninety acres more or less Lying in Tennessee White County and District Number Six and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a stake and pointers running thence west with the meanderings of the Stage road one hundred and nine poles to a stake and pointers, thence North about one hundred and thirty poles to a Spanish oak on the north boundary of the said John Pirtles two hundred and eighty nine acre survey, thence east one hundred & nine poles to a post oak and black oak, thence south one hundred and thirty poles to the beginning on which judgment and order of sale issued and came to my hands Wallace B. Cope Revenue Collector of the County of White on the 2nd day of June 1845, by virtue of which after advertising and Giving notice agreeably to law. I sold the said Land at the court house of said County on the 7th day of July 1845, at Public Sale to Nancy Pirtle for the sum of four Dollars and Twenty one cents to me in hand paid that being the highest & best bid for the same. Therefore I Joseph W. Glenn Successor and Revenue Collector of said County in consequence of the premises and for the consideration of the said sum of four Dollars and Twenty one cents do hereby transfer and convey the said tract of land above described to the said Nancy Pirtle and her heirs and assigns forever in as full and as ample a manner as I am as Revenue and Collector as aforesaid, authorized and required to do by law, but no further or otherwise this 7th day of July 1846. J. W. Glenn Tax Collector State of Tennessee White County personally appeared before me William Little Clerk of White County Court Joseph W. Glenn Tax Collector of White County with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged the due Execution of the within Deed of conveyance to be his act and deed as Tax Collector of said County for the purposes and things therein contained which is recorded. Witness my hand at office the 7th day of December A. D. 1846. Test William Little Clerk Of White County Court Filed and noted in Reception book No. 1, page 22 on the 16th December 1;846 at 3 O'Clock P.M. and Registered the same day. Test O. H. P. Sims Deputy of J. W. Roberts Reg. White County Transcribed By: James R. Blanks 114 Somerset Lane Tullahoma, TN 37388 August 2, 2001