Born: 10 Dec 1845 Platte Co, MO |
Died: 17 Oct 1927 Grant City, Worth Co., MO Buried: 1927 Isadora Cemetery, No. of Grant City, Worth Co., MO |
Married: 15 Mar 1860 Worth Co., MO |
Married: 27 Aug 1899 Worth Co., MO |
General Sources
1880 Census, Worth County, Union Twp., Missouri - June 15. 1880 |name |r|s|Age |rel |s|m|occu |s|birth |Father |mother |Fattig Henry |w|M|48 | | |y|Farmer | |Virginia|Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania |" Sarah M |w|F|34 |wife | |y|Keeping House| |Missouri|Kentucky |Kentucky |" Frances |w|F|17 |Daughter|\| |WorksinHouse | |Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" James M |w|M|15 |Son |\| |WorksonFarm |\|Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" Charles H|w|M|13 |Son |\| |WorksonFarm |\|Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" Mary J |w|F|12 |Daughter|\| |Helpsin House|\|Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" Ida A |w|F|8 |Daughter| | | |\|Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" Andrew J |W|M|5 |Son | | | | |Missouri|Virginia |Missouri |" Deborah A |W|F|9/12|Daughter| | | | |Missouri|Virginia |Missouri
1860 Census -Gentry County, Missouri - August 27, 1860 |h# |f# |name |ag|s|occu |re |pe |birth |m|twp |1864|1853|Henry, Fattig|28|m|Farmer|2585|590|Virginia|x|#66 P.O. Maryetta | | |Sarah Fattig |14|F| | | |Missouri|x|
1870 Census - Worth County, Missouri - July 28, 1870 |h#|f#|name |ag|s|r|occu |vre |vpe |birth |2|twp |48|48|Fatgue, Henry |38|M|w|Farmer |5000|1500|Virginia|/|Union | | |Fatgue, Sarah M|25|F|w|Keeping House| | |Missouri| | | | |Fatgue, Frances|7 |F|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Fatgue, James |6 |M|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Fatgue, Charles|4 |m|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Fatgue, Mary P.|2 |F|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Wren, Henry |13|m|w| | | |Missouri| |
1910 Census - Worth County, Missouri - |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |ym|nc|l|birth |father |mother | | |occu |trade |wk |rd |wri|o|f|h|f#|v|b|twp |134|134|Peterson, Charles O.|Head |m|w|49|M1|22| | |Sweden |Sweden |Sweden |Naturalized or alien|Eng|Farmer|Retired|Employer, worker or own account|Yes|Yes|O|F|H|19|x|x|Fletchall, West Ward, Grant City | | |Peterson, Mary |wife |f|w|41|M1|22| | |Missouri|Virginia |Missouri | |Eng|none | | |Yes|Yes| | | | | | | | | |Peterson, Bessie |Daughter |F|w|19|s | | | |Missouri|Sweden |Missouri | |Eng|none | | |Yes|Yes| | | | | | | | | |Fattig, Sarah A. |Mother-in-law|F|w|64|Wd| |11|7|Missouri|United States|United States| |Eng|none | | |Yes|Yes| | | | | | |
1920 Census - Worth County, Missouri - January 18, 19, 20, 1920 |sa|h#|Name |rel |h |f |s|r|ag|m|rd |wri|birth |father |mother |trade |type |em|f#|twp |76|80|Thompson, John N. | |0 |F |M|w|45|m|yes|yes|Missouri|Kentucky|Kentucky|Farmer |GenFarm|OA|79|Fletchall | | |Thompson, Deborah A.| | |Wf|F|w|40|m|yes|yes|Missouri|Virginia|Missouri|None | | | | | | |Thompson, Lloyd J. | |son| |M|w|15|s|yes|yes|Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|farm laborer| |w | | | | |Thompson, Velma O. | |dau| |F|w|13|s|yes|yes|Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|None | | | | | | |Thompson, Ruby A. | |dau| |F|w|11|s|yes|yes|Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|None | | | | | | |Fattig, Sarah M. |Mother-in-law| | | |w|74|w|yes|No |Missouri|Kentucky|Missouri|None | | | |
1900 Census - Worth County, Missouri - June 26. 27, 1900 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |age|m |y|nc|l|birth |father |mother |occu |a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h |f# |twp |210|210|Teasley, James |Head |w|m|Jan 1839|61 |M |4| | |Un |Un |Un |Farmer | |no |no |yes|0|F|Farm of house|206|Fletchall | | |Teasley, Sarah M.|wife |w|f|Dec 1845|54 |M |4|11|7|Missouri|Kentucky|Kentucky| | |no |no |yes| | | | | | | |Fattig, Willard |Step-Son|w|m|Apr |887|13|s| | |Missouri|Virginia|Missouri|At School|5|yes|yes|yes| | | | |