Wes Dodson Papers:
Self-Inflicted Gun Wounds Fatal to Farmer
Tilden D. Hills, well known 7th district farmer, died instantly as a result
of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. He was 72 years
of age and had been in feeble health for several months.
Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Crain Hill
Church of Christ. John W. High officiated and burial was in the Crain Hill cemetery.
Native of Van Buren county, Mr. Hillis was born September 7, 1877. He was a
son of Ebb Hillis and Sarah O'Neal Hillis and was married to Miss Fannie Grove who
preceded him in death several years ago.
The deceased had been a resident of Warren county for a number of years and was
a member of the Church of Christ.
He is survived by five sons, Zera Hillis, Andy Hillis, Overton Hillis and Arlin
Hillis, all of McMinnville, and Agger Hillis, Chattanooga; one daughter, Mrs. Thurman
McGee, McMinnville; two brothers, Houston Hillis and Dalton Hillis, and five sisters,
Mrs. Alice Mayfield, and Mrs. Perry Hillis, McMinnville, Mrs. Annie Boulden, Viola, Mrs. Daisy Duyese, Hazel Green, Ala., and Mrs. Bill Thomison, Rocky River.