Will H. Hayes

Will H. Hayes

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Born: 1861

Died: 1924
Smithville Town Cemetery, DeKalb Co., TN


Photo Archive

Will H. Hayes
Martha Mattie Caroline McGee
Will and Mattie McGee Hayes Tombstone
Smithville, DeKalb Co., TN, Cemetery
Martha Mattie Caroline McGee
Will H. Hayes
Mattie McGee and Will Hayes Tombstone

General Sources

  1. Norman T. McGee
  2. Tennessee Cemeteries
    Cemeteries of DeKalb County, Tennessee, by Doris Garrison Gilbert, 1989

    Page 304
  3. 1910 Census
    1910 Census - DeKalb Co., TN - May 3, 1910
    |h|f|Name          |rel     |r|s|ag|m|ym|n|l|bi|fa|mo|   |occu     |trade      |wk|e|rd |wri|sch|o|f|h|f
    |1|1|Hayes, Will H.|Head    |m|w|49|m|19| | |TN|TN|TN|ENG|Asnicer??|Smithville |no|0|yes|yes|   |O|F|H|4
    | | |Hayes, Mattie |wife    |f|w|48|m|19|3|2|TN|TN|TN|   |none     |           |  | |yes|yes|   | | | |
    | | |Hayes, Clara  |daughter|f|w|15|s|  | | |TN|TN|TN|   |none     |           |  | |yes|yes|yes| | | |
    | | |Hayes, Toy    |son     |m|w|13|s|  | | |TN|TN|TN|   |none     |           |  | |yes|yes|yes| | | |
    | | |Hayes, Dick M.|boarder |m|w|28|s|  | | |TN|TN|TN|   |salesman |dept. store|no|0|yes|yes|   | | | |
  4. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - DeKalb Co., TN - June 7, 1900
    |hn |fn |Name            |rel     |r|s|birth    |ag|m|ym|n|l|bi|fa|mo|occu    |rd |wri|eng|o|h|twp
    |149|149|Hayes, Wm. H.   |head    |w|m|July 1861|38|m|10| | |TN|TN|TN|Salesman|yes|yes|yes|O|H|9th dist.
    |   |   |Hayes, Mattie C.|wife    |w|f|Aug 1863 |36|m|10|2|2|TN|TN|TN|        |yes|yes|yes| | |
    |   |   |Hayes, Clara C. |daughter|w|f|Jan 1895 |5 |s|  | | |TN|TN|TN|        |   |   |yes| | |
    |   |   |Hayes, James T. |son     |w|m|Nov 1896 |3 |s|  | | |TN|TN|TN|        |   |   |yes| | |


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