Born: 4 Mar 1861 Champaign Co., Ohio |
Died: 1929 Champaign Co., Ohio Buried: 1929 Rosedale Cemetery, 7 mi N.W. of St. Paris, Champai |
Married: 27 Jan 1878 Champaign Co., Ohio, by J. Runkle M.G., Marriage |
General Sources
1900 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - June 16, 1900 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |age |m|ym|n|l|birt|fath|moth|occu |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|h |f# |twp |206|210|Runkle, Hosea N. |Head |w|m|July 1854|45 |M|22| | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Farmer |0| |yes|yes|yes|R|Farm of house|141|Johnson twp. | | |Runkle, Queene |Wife |W|F|Mar 1860 |40 |M|22|6|5|Ohio|Ohio|Ohio| | | |yes|yes| | | | | | | |Runkle, William F.|Son |W|M|June 1883|17 |S| | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Farm Laborer|0| |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Runkle, Alby C. |Son |W|M|May 1889 |11 |S| | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|at School | |8|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Runkle, Loretta J.|Daughter|W|F|May 1891 |9 |S| | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|at School | |6|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Runkle, Prince S. |Son |W|M|Feb 1900 |0/12|S| | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio| | | | | | | | | |
1910 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - May 26, 1910 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |ym|n|l|birt|fath|moth| |occu |trade |wk|rd |wri|sch|o|f|h |f# |twp |192|192|Runkle, Hosea |Head|m|w|55|M1|32| | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|Farmer|Gen farm|0w|Yes|Yes| |0|F|Farm of house|129|Johnson | | |Runkle, Queen B. |Wife|F|w|49|M1|32|6|5|Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|None | | |Yes|Yes| | | | | | | | |Runkle, Prince A.|Son |M|w|13|s | | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|None | | |Yes|Yes|Yes| | | | |
1920 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - Feb 2-4, 1920 |sa |h# |Name |rel|h|f|s|r|ag|m |rd |wri|birt|father |mother |tra|type |emp | |290|254|Runkle, Queen V.|H |0|f|f|w|53|wd|yes|yes|Ohio|Virginian|Virginia|yes|none | |192 | | |Runkle, Albert |son| | |m|w|23|s |yes|yes|Ohio|Ohio |Ohio |yes|Laborer|Farm|