Winnie McGee Bible - deaths

Winnie McGee Bible - deaths

David Whitfield McGee Eulis Wilburn McGee Baby Girl McGee Winnie Frances Thompson John Eddington McGee Elmer Archie McGee Ruby Vera McGee John William McGee Edna Florence McGee Harry Clarence McGee Ova Zelmona McGee Ralph Cecil McGee Gladys Vera Smith Frances Mae McGee


David Whitfield McGee died July 28 A.D. 1902
Eulis Wilburn McGee died July 21 A.D. 1907
Baby girl died August 9, 1903
Winnie Frances McGee died August 5, 1936 at Eden Ida Age 54
John E. McGee died March 13, 1942 at Jerome, Ida age 61
Elmer A. McGee died Aug. 16, 1955 at St. Maries, Idaho. Age 37
Ruby V. Jones died Aug. 17, 1955 at Seattle, Wash. Age 50
John W. McGee died Aug 27, 1955 at Darrington, Wash Age 45.
Edna Florence Stephens died June 9th 1971 Boulder City, Nev. Age 60
Harry Clarence McGee Died Sept 16, 1976 Age 56 Ann Arbor Michigan
Ova Zelmonie Blackstone died July 4, 1983 Age 73 Everett Washington
Ralph C. McGee died Nov 12, 1984 Caldwell ID 83605 Age 70
Gladys Vera Smith McGee died 4/4/89 Age 69 Caldwell ID
Mae Honrath died June 3rd 1992 Age 69

Note: Winnie kept this record in her handwriting until her death. Winnie and John's entries were probably entered by Mae (Frances Mae McGee), the entries for Elmer, Ruby, and John, who died within two weeks of each other were presumably made by Gladys McGee, and the remainder of the entries were presumably made by Ellis McGee.


Collection: David McGee's Collection - Winnie McGee Bible


Created: 2/18/01 5:04:36 PM