Fred McGee

Fred McGee

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Born: 28 Mar 1901

Died: 21 Jul 1980
Smyrna Cemetery, Warren Co., TN



Clarence McGee
  +Ersa Bottoms
        Elza Lewis McGee
Thurman Elzie McGee
  +Nellie Hillis
        H. Vernon McGee
        John Wilbur McGee
        Marvin McGee
        Mildred McGee
        Evelyn Faye McGee
        Thurman E. McGee Jr.



Bessie Thomison
f: Abijah Edward Thomison
m: Sophia Smith

Married: 27 May 1939

Photo Archive

Smyrna, Warren Co., TN, Cemetery
Bessie  Thomison
Fred  McGee
Fred and Bessie Thomison McGee Tombstone
Thurman Elzie McGee
Beatrice  McGee
Fred  McGee
Willene  McGee
Ernest  McGee
Organization of McGee Reunion - August 1941
Beatrice  McGee
Fred  McGee
Thurman Elzie McGee
Willene  McGee
James Isham McGee
McGee Reunion Minutes - 1943
Willene  McGee
Tom  Kell
Ernest  McGee
Fred  McGee
James Isham Isham McGee
Ella Mai McGee
1950 McGee Reunion
Albert Sydney Dodson
Lucinda  McGee
John William Grove
Etta  McGregor
Clata Ray Grove
Anna Belle Grove
Luther H. Curtis
Ollie E. Farless
William Claude Collier
Fannie Wavie Wavie McGee
John A. Collier
Sarah Dodson Sadie McGee
James Thomas Bottoms
Anna Belle Russell
Clarence  Anderson
Lota  Bost
Virgie Willene Willene McGee
Neiman T. Kell
Jerre Mae McGee
Edna Louise McGee
Mary Belle McGee
Mary Charles Higginbotham
Gladys  Nelson
Evelyn  Nelson
Gladys  Bost
Amos Lowell Higginbotham
Irving  Roberts
Samuel Franklin Frank  McGee
Willie Louella Martin
Calhoun Tobe McGee
Ida  Curtis
Ernest  McGee
Burten Bertie Collier
Fred  McGee
Bessie  Thomison
Thomas Alton Alton McGee
Gladys Lee Ford
Jessie Floyd McGee
Thurman E. McGee Jr.
William Lockhart Willie McGee
Thomas Cleveland Cleve McGee
James Crawford McGee
Fern  Crain
1944 McGee Reunion at Shellsford

General Sources

  1. Tennessee Cemeteries
    Warren County, Tennessee Cemetery Book 4, Neal Cemetery to Youngblood Cemetery, annotated, by Marth Holt, Almetia Cunningham, and Betty Majors,
    Page 367
  2. David A. Hennessee


Generated on: 1/22/2006 11:17:02 AM