Archibald Gentry "Gentry" McGee

Archibald Gentry "Gentry" McGee

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Born: 25 Jan 1851
Warren Co., TN



James Lockhart McGee
  +Martha C. McGee
        Samuel L. McGee
        William Calhoun "Billy" McGee
        Joseph McGee
        Irven Elbert McGee
Mary Ann McGee
  +James M. Templeton
        Sarah Adline Templeton
        Caldonia Templeton
        Laura Templeton
        J. William Templeton
william c. mcgee
William C. McGee
  +Helen M. Jones
        Earnest McGee
Thomas C. McGee
Sarah Fern "Sally" McGee
  +Joseph Alexander Smith
        Samuel Franklin Smith
        Ada M. Smith
        Ricard Lee Smith
        Nellie V. Smith
John Alexander McGee
  +Hannah Elizabeth "Lizzie" Smith
        William H(arrison) McGee
        Samuel Crawford McGee
        Verginie McGee
        Manerva McGee
        Georgia McGee
        Jennie McGee
Samuel Crawford "Crawford" McGee
  +Eliza Jane Hennessee
        Florence Etta McGee
        William Lockhart "Willie" McGee
        Samuel Franklin "Frank " McGee
        Martha Alice "Alice" McGee
        James Floyd "Floyd" McGee
        Thomas Cleveland "Cleve" McGee
        Irving Elbert McGee
        Joseph Waymon "Waymon" McGee
        Fannie Wavie "Wavie" McGee
        Hermon Lester "Lester" McGee
Richard L. McGee
  +Magdaline "Maggie" Cardwell
        Albert McGee
Martha "Mattie" McGee
  +Phillip Andrew McGregor
        Frank Wilson McGregor
        William Virgil McGregor
        Infant McGregor
        Della Lee McGregor
        John Norman McGregor
        Lena Shelley McGregor
        Ola McGregor
        Annie McGregor
Esther McGee


Photo Archive

Mary  McGee
Lillie  McGee
A. Gentry McGee
Mary McGee Boyd Letter (2 of 2)

General Sources

  1. Thomas Jefferson Barnes Papers
    TSLA Mf #654, Reel #2 - McGee
  2. David A. Hennessee
  3. Tennessee Library Records
    Magness Memorial Library, McMinnville, TN, McGee folder, McGee marriages compiled by James Dillon
  4. James C. McGee, Jr.
    Letter of November 27, 2001 and computer disc.

    1890 Denton Co., TX Census: lived close to James Lockhart McGee
  5. 1860 Census
    1860 Census - Warren County, TN
    |h# |f# |name      |ag|s|occu   |re  |pe  |bi|PO         |page|date
    |780|780|Saml McGee|54|m|Far    |5000|8900|Ky|McMinnville|459b|July 23, 1860
    |   |   |Minerva   |37|f|HK     |    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |James     |17|m|Student|    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Mary      |16|f|Student|    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |William   |15|m|Student|    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Sarah     |12|f|Student|    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |John      |11|m|       |    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Gentry    |9 |m|       |    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Crawford  |7 |m|       |    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Richard   |5 |m|       |    |    |TN|           |    |
    |   |   |Martha    |3 |f|       |    |    |TN|           |    |
  6. 1870 Census
    1870 Census - Warren Co., TN - July 1870
    |h#|f#|name           |ag|s|r|occu         |vre |vpe |birt|r|w|2|twp       |po         |pg
    |52|53|McGee, James   |54|m|w|Farmer       |2000|1000|Tenn| | |1|District 2|McMinnville|40b
    |  |  |McGee, Martha  |44|f|w|Keeping House|    |    |Ala |1|1| |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, John    |18|m|w|Farm Laborer |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |55|56|McGee, Sam     |63|m|w|Farmer       |5000|2000|Ky  | | |1|District 2|McMinnville|40b
    |  |  |McGee, Minerva |49|f|w|Keeping House|    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Wm. L.  |26|m|w|Farm Laborer |    |    |Tenn| | |1|          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Gentry  |19|m|w|Farm Laborer |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Samuel  |18|m|w|Farm Laborer |    |    |Tenn| | | |District 2|McMinnville|41a
    |  |  |McGee, Richard |15|m|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Martha  |13|f|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |56|57|McGee, James L.|28|m|w|Farmer       |600 |400 |Tenn| | | |District 2|McMinnville|41a
    |  |  |McGee, Martha  |24|f|w|Keeping House|    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Samuel  |4 |m|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, William |1 |m|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |Cri???, John   |20|m|b|Farm Laborer |    |    |Tenn|1|1| |          |           |
    |57|58|McGee, Arch C. |27|m|w|Farmer       |200 |    |Tenn| | |1|District 2|McMinnville|41a
    |  |  |McGee, Louisa  |23|f|w|Keeping House|    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Albert  |3 |m|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |McGee, Mary C. |1 |f|w|             |    |    |Tenn| | | |          |           |
    |  |  |Drake, Martha  |58|f|w|             |    |100 |Tenn| | | |          |           |
  7. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Denton County, Texas - June 11, 1900
    |hn|fn |Name               |rel       |r|s|birth     |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth    |father   |mother   |occu     |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h|f# |twp                 |pg#
    |97|102|McGee, Archibald G.|Head      |w|m|Jan 1951  |49|m|19| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|M|F|103|Justice - precinct 8|p281
    |  |   |McGee, Fanny P.    |wife      |w|f|Nov, 1865 |34|m|19|8|8|Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Annie L.    |daughter  |w|f|July 1883 |16|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School|0|3|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Jennie M.   |daughter  |w|f|Sep, 1885 |14|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School|0|4|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Laura E.    |daughter  |w|f|Aug, 1887 |12|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |6|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Mary C.     |daughter  |w|f|July 1889 |10|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |5|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Willie M.   |daughter  |w|f|Oct 1891  |8 |s|  | | |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |4|   |   |   | | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Jessie P.   |daughter  |w|f|Aug, 1895 |4 |s|  | | |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |   |   |   | | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, James L.    |son       |w|m|Sept, 1897|2 |s|  | | |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |   |   |   | | | |   |                    |
    |99|104|McGee, James L.    |Head      |w|m|Jan, 1842 |58|m|35| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|M|F|106|                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Martha C.   |wife      |w|f|July 1846 |53|m|35|6|4|Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Samuel L.   |son       |w|m|June 1865 |34|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Irvin E.    |son       |w|m|Aug, 1875 |24|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |                    |
    |  |   |McGee, Opel E.     |G-daughter|w|f|Aug, 1985 |4 |s|  | | |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |   |   |   | | | |   |                    |
  8. 1910 Census
    1910 Census - Montague County Texas - April 25, 1910
    |hn |fn |Name             |rel           |r|s|ag|m|ym|nc|lc|birth    |father   |mother   |occu        |trade       |wk |e|rd |wri|sch|o|f|h|f#|twp       |pg#
    |102|102|McGee, Gentry    |head          |m|w|59|m|29|  |  |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer      |General farm|Emp| |yes|yes|   |O|M|F|91|Pricinct 3|86a
    |   |   |McGee, Fanny     |wife          |f|w|44|m|29|10|10|Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|none        |            |   | |yes|yes|   | | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Emmer     |daughter      |f|w|22|s|  |  |  |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|home farm   |wk |0|yes|yes|   | | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Mary      |daughter      |f|w|20|s|  |  |  |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|home farm   |wk |0|yes|yes|no | | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Mattie    |daughter      |f|w|18|s|  |  |  |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|home farm   |wk |0|yes|yes|no | | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Jessie    |daughter      |f|w|15|s|  |  |  |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|home farm   |wk |0|yes|yes|yes| | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Loyd      |son           |m|w|12|s|  |  |  |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|home farm   |wk |0|yes|yes|yes| | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Ewell     |son           |m|w|8 |s|  |  |  |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|none        |            |   | |   |   |yes| | | |  |          |
    |   |   |McGee, Zelma     |daughter      |f|w|4 |s|  |  |  |Texas    |Tennessee|Tennessee|none        |            |   | |   |   |   | | | |  |          |
    |   |   |Hoodenpyl, Joseph|brother-in-law|m|w|35|s|  |  |  |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|farm laborer|General farm|wk |0|yes|yes|   | | | |  |          |


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