Cambridge, Nebraska | January 29, 1966 |
Funeral services were held at the Carpenter Furneral Home for Glen Miner, 45, in McCook, Nebr., at 2:00 p.m., January 19, 1966. The Rever- end Harold Smith officiated. Inter- ment was in the Cambridge Cemetery.
Glen Warren Miner was born March 7, 1920 in Cambridge, Nebr. and lived on a farm south of there until manhood. He was married on June 26th, 1941 to Roberta Trosper. They moved from Cambridge in 1948 to McCook where he worked on the railroad until 1963.
He is survived by his wife, Roberta of McCook, Nebr., two sons Lonnie and Ronnie, and two daughters Bonnie and Connie. A son Gerald Francis preceded him in death in 1942.
This article was found in the January 29, 1966 Clarion. His niece, Kathy Tros- per retyped it on February 18, 1994.