State of Tennessee }
Henry County }
This 12th day of November 1852
personally appeared before the undersigned a
justice of the peace in & for said County
Richard McGee a resident of said County & State
aged about Seventy Seven years (with whom I am
well acquainted & who I certify is a man of
veractiy & good repute) and made oath in due
form of law that he was intimably acquanted
with John McGee before his death that he has
heard him say that he served a tour of two
years in the revolutionary war in the Virgin-
ia Troups under the command of Captain William
McKee or Arbuckle and was engaged in the Battle
of Guilford Court House in North Carolina
that he then leved in Rockbridge County
Virginia - that after the war he removed to East
Tenessee where some time about the year 1792
he intermarried with one Esther Clendenning
with whom affiant? Was also acquainted that they
continued to live together as man and wife and were
so regarded up to the day of John McGee's death
which took place sometime about the year 1820
that his mariage took place in Severe County
Tennessee that after his death the said Esther
remained his widow and survived him untill
[continued from next page]
about the year 1846 when she died and left
several children (to wit Jane Hennessee (formerly
Jane McGee) Polly McGregor (formerly Polly McGee)
John McGee Sally McGee Samuel McGee and
James L. McGee that his acquantance with
said John McGee commenced about the year
1780 and that he then lived in Rockbridge County Virginia
and that he was intimately acquainted
with him from that untill his death.
Affiant further makes oath that he is disinterested.
Sworn to & Subscribed before me }
the day & hear above witness } Richard McGee {Seal}
John P. Kimbrough (JP) }