Warren, TN | September 6, 1852 |
of Tennessee )
of Warren ���� )
����������� On this 6th day of
September 1852, personally appeared befor me, a Justice of the Peace in and for
said County & State, Charles M. Forrest aged Thirty five years, a resident
of said County� & made oath in due
form of law that he is the Administrator of Esther McGee deceased, who was the
widow of John McGee, who was a soldier in the War of the Revolution from the
State of Virginia, and served for the space of more than two years in the
company of Captain William McKee in the 12th Regiment of Virginia
State Troops and was discharged at Fort Randolph on the 10th October
1778, as will appear by the original Certificate of discharge herewith
presented, that he was also wounded during said war, and was engaged in the
battle of Guilford Court House, as appears from an original affidavit made by
him in the year 1818, petitioning Congress for land due him on account of his
Revolutionary service, and which is herewith presented, that sometime in the
year Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-two, (1792) the said John McGee, having moved
from the State of Virginia, intermarried with one Esther��������� , in Sevier County Tennessee, that
the said Esther survived him and continued his widow until the day of March
1846, when she died in Warren County Tennessee leaving the following named only
surviving children to wit Jane Hennessee, widow of James (formerly Jane McGee,)
Polly McGreger wife of Ezekial (formerly Polly McGee) John McGee Sally McGee
Samuel McGee and James L McGee and that he makes this declaration for the
purpose of obtaining for the aforementioned children of John and Esther McGee
the pension due them under Acts of July 7th 1838, March 3rd
1823, June 17, 1844, on account of the Revolutionary Srvices of their deceased
father the said John McGee, and he prays that said pension be made payable to
thm as Administrator for the benefit of the aforementioned heirs, he having given
bond and security for the faithful performance of his duty as the law directs,
that he has in his possession no other record or documentary evidence of the
services of John McGee and of his marriage than those herewith presented and
which are genuine nor does he know of any other. Sworn to and
Before me the day ����� )���������������������� C.M.Forrest (Seal)
year first above written����������������� )
����������� John Miller����������������� ��� (JM)
all men by these presents, That I, Charles M Forrest� Administrator of Esther McGee decd to hereby administrate and
appoint Smith & Jones of Nashville State of Tennessee, my true & lawful
Attorney form me & in my name as Administrator to present ofuroyecu? To the
claim of the heirs of John & Esther McGee to a balance of pension due them
on account of the Revollutionary services of their father John McGee, and
another? Is? Theirs? to receive the Certificate therefore hereby ratifying
& confirming their lawful acts in the premises? Witness my hand and seal
this 6th day of September 1852,
����������������������������������������������������������� C.M.Forrest(Seal)
presence of
before me this 6th day of September, 1852
����������������������������������������������������������� John
Miller (JM)