R6717 - Pension Request by Smith and Jones - 3

R6717 - Pension Request by Smith and Jones - 3

John Alexander McGee Jane  McGee Samuel  McGee Ester  Clendennen James L. McGee John  McGee Sally  McGee Mary  McGee
Warren, TN
September 6, 1852


State of Tennessee			County of Warren	,

  It is hereby certified that at a Court of monthly sessions held at the 
Court House in the town of McMinnville, in and for 
said county, satisfactory evidence was exhibited to said Court to 
prove and did prove to the satisfaction of the Court that John 
McGee was a Revoutionary soldier from the State of Virginia, 
that he died in Warren County Tennessee on the 24th day of January 
1820, and left a widow whose name was Esther McGee and who 
survived him and continued his widow until the   day of 
March 1846 when she died in Warren County Tennessee, and 
left the following surviving children and no others and who 
are the only surviving children of the said John McGee to wit 
Jane Hennessee widow of James (formerly Jane McGee) Polly McGreger wife of 
Ezekiel (formerly Polly McGee,) John McGee, Sally McGee, Samuel 
McGee, and James L. McGee ---------------------------------------------
and that Charles M Forrest -- is the Administrator of the 
aforesaid Esther McGee duly qualified as such according to law.
  I further Certify that he is a reputable and credible person and 
that his statements are entitled to full faith
					I also certify that John Miller 
------Esq before whom the foregoing declaration was made and Power 
of Attorney acknowledged is & was at the time of signing the same an 
acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County duly elected 
commissioned & qualified and that the foregoing signatures there to pur-
-porting to be his are genuine.

				In testimony whereof I have here unto
				set my  hand and affixed the Seal of 
	SEAL			said Court this 6th day of September 1852
					R McGreger 		Clerk


Collection: Revolutionary War - R6717


Created: 7/18/00 9:55:48 PM