May 19, 1939
John McGee-R.6717
Miss Jennie L. Sharp Autustine Slaughter
Route #1 B.L.Wt.2168-400
Salvien, Kentucky
Dear Madam:
Reference is made to your letter in which
you request the Revolutionary War record of John
McGee of Botetourt County, Virginia, served under
General Andrew Lewis and Augustine Slaughter.
You are furnished herein the Revolutionary
War records of John McGee and of Augustine
John McGee - R. 6717
The data which follow concerning John McGee
were obtained from papers on file in claim for
pension, R. 6717, based on his service in the
Revolutionary war.
The date and place of birth of John McGee,
and names of his parents are not given.
While residing in Rockbridge County, Vir-
ginia, John McGee served as a private in Captain
William McGee's company and in the 12th Virginia
regiment, was on Lewis' Campaign agianst the
Shawnee Indians, was in the battle of Guilford
Court House, wounded twice while in the service,
and was discharged October 18, 1772, at Fort Ran-
[continued on next page]
John McGee moved after the revolution to
Tennessee. He was living in 1818 in Warren
County, Tennessee.
John McGee married sometime in the year 1792,
in Sevier County, Tennessee, Esther Clendenning. The
date and place of her birth, and names of parents
were not stated.
John McGee died January 24, 1820, in Warren
County Tennessee. His widow, Esther McGee, died in
the month of March, 1846, in Warren County, Ten-
nessee. She was survived by the following children:
Jane, widow of James Hennessee; Polly, wife
of Ezekiel McGreger or McGregor; John McGee; Sally
McGee; Samuel McGee; James L. McGee.
Charles M. Forrest of Warren County, Tennessee,
administrator of the estate of the widow, Esther
McGee, applied for pension September 6, 1852, which
might have been due on account of the services of
John McGee in bahalf of the above named children.
The claim for pension was not allowed, as proof
of marriage of John McGee and Esther Clendenning was
not furnished.
In 1852, Richard McGee of Henry County, Ten-
nessee, then aged seventy-seven years, stated that
he was well acquainted with the soldier John McGee;
also in 1852, one R. McGreger was clerk of the court
of Warren County, Tennsessee. Their relationship to
the family of John McGee was not shown.
The papers on file in this claim contain no
further discernible family data.
(More discussion regarding Augustne Slaughter)
Very truly yours
Executive Assistant
to the Administrator