Winnie McGee Bible - Marriages

Winnie McGee Bible - Marriages

John Eddington McGee Winnie Frances Thompson Ruby Vera McGee Erle Enoch Jones Edna Florence McGee George W. Chandler Ova Zelmona McGee Richard Dale Blackstone


J.E. McGee and Winnie Francis Thompson were married on the third day of march in 1901.
Ruby Vera McGee and Erle Enoch Jones were married June 9 in the year 1925 at Hazelton.
Edna Florence McGee and George W. Chandler were married September 24 in the year 1927 at Jerome.
Ova Zelmonie McGee and Richard Dale Blackstone were married October 14 in the year 1928 at Parma.


Collection: David McGee's Collection - Winnie McGee Bible


Created: 2/18/01 4:44:53 PM