James Walker McGee

James Walker McGee

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Born: 25 Aug 1845
Van Buren Co., TN



Family #1

Photo Archive

New Union, Warren Co., TN Cemetery
Catherine  Collier
James Walker McGee
Catherine Collier McGee Tombstone
Levander Van McGee
James William Will McGee
Catherine  Collier
James Walker McGee
Alberta Victoria Birdie McGee
Nealie  McGee
Calhoun Tobe McGee
John Lee McGee
Van McGee Obituary

General Sources

  1. David A. Hennessee
  2. Thomas Jefferson Barnes Papers
    TSLA Mf #654, Reel #2 - McGee
  3. Tennessee Library Records
    Magness Library, McMinnville, TN - McGee Folder - John McGee II Family sheet papers of Levander McGee
  4. 1880 Census
        Census Place:	District 2, Warren, Tennessee
        Source:	FHL Film 1255283  National Archives Film T9-1283     Page 324A
        Relation	Sex	Marr	Race	Age	Birthplace
    James MCGEE	Self	M	W	W	34	TN
        Occ:	Farmer	Fa: TN	Mo: TN
    Van MCGEE	Son	M	S	W	9	TN
                Fa: TN	Mo: TN
    Calhoun MCGEE	Son	M	S	W	7	TN
                Fa: TN	Mo: TN
    Myrtte MCGEE	Dau	F	S	W	4	TN
                Fa: TN	Mo: TN
    Jeremiah MCGEE	Brother	M	S	W	26	TN
        Occ:	Farmer	Fa: TN	Mo: TN
  5. McGee Reunion Notebook
    Communication from James A. DIllon, Jr., dated August 16, 1989

    Gives wife's name as Pamela Collier
  6. Tennessee Library Records
    Magness Memorial Library, McMinnville, TN, McGee folder, McGee marriages compiled by James Dillon
  7. Marie Zechman
    Personal interview on August 28, 2001 at her home in McMinnville, TN and pedigree chart prepared by Brad Walker.
  8. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Warren County, Tennessee
    |hn |fn |Name            |rel     |r|s|birth     |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth    |father   |mother   |occu     |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h            |f# |twp        |          |pg#|Date
    |216|223|McGee, Levander |Head    |w|m|May  1872 |28|m|12| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|F|Farm of house|122|McMinnville|District 1|45a|June 14, 1900
    |   |   |McGee, Bartha   |Wife    |w|f|March 1863|37|m|12|5|5|Tennessee|Virginia |Tennessee|         | | |yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Jerry M. |daughter|w|f|Aug 1884  |13|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |3|yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Bertha   |daughter|w|f|Apr 1891  |10|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |3|yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Willie   |son     |w|m|Oct 1892  |8 |s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | |3|   |   |   | | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Nealy    |daughter|w|f|Dec 1893  |6 |s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | |4|   |   |   | | |             |   |McMinnville|District 1|p46|June 14, 1900
    |   |   |McGee, Leslie   |son     |w|m|March 1996|4 |s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |   |   |   | | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |218|225|McGee, James    |Head    |w|m|July 1845 |54|m|32| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer   |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|F|F            |123|           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Martha   |Wife    |w|f|Feb 1846  |54|f|32|2|1|Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|         | | |yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |           |          |   |
    |   |   |McGee, Johnie S.|son     |w|m|June 1884 |15|s|  | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |8|yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |           |          |   |
  9. 1850 Census
    1850 Census - Van Buren Co., TN - September 13, 1850
    |h# |f# |name            |age |s|occu  |bi|s|twp
    |236|236|John McGee      |45  |m|Farmer|KY| |6th District
    |   |   |Martha McGee    |40  |f|      |TN| |
    |   |   |Sarah J.        |18  |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Easter E.       |16  |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Nancy E.        |14  |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Maryann         |12  |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Manervey        |9   |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Bersheby        |7   |f|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |James           |5   |m|      |TN| |
    |   |   |Martha McGee    |3   |f|      |TN| |
    |   |   |John            |5/12|m|      |TN| |
    |   |   |Elisha Walker   |12  |m|      |TN|1|
    |   |   |Marion M. Walker|10  |m|      |TN|1|
  10. 1850 Census
    1860 Census - Warren County, TN - August 27, 1860
    |h#  |f#  |name      |ag|s|occu   |re |pe |bi|s|PO         |pag
    |1452|1452|John McGee|56|m|Farmer |500|250|TN|5|McMinnville|506
    |    |    |Martha    |49|f|HK     |   |   |TN| |           |
    |    |    |Birsha    |17|f|student|   |   |TN| |           |
    |    |    |James     |15|m|student|   |   |TN| |           |
    |    |    |Amantha   |13|f|       |   |   |TN| |           |
    |    |    |James     |10|f|       |   |   |TN| |           |
    |    |    |Jeremiah  |7 |m|       |   |   |TN| |           |


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