John Westley McGhee

John Westley McGhee

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Photo Archive

Mary Jane McGhee
Fanny M. McGhee
Jesse Everett Hickman
John Westley McGhee
Benjamin  Hickman
White County Deeds and Trust Deeds Vol R-T
Elizabeth  McGee
Jesse Everett Hickman
John Westley McGhee
Benjamin  Hickman
White County Deeds and Trust Deeds Vol R-T
John Westley McGhee
Abraham  McGee
John Westley McGhee - Letters of Administration
John Westley McGhee
Abraham  McGee
Jesse Everett Hickman
John Westley McGhee - Report of a Settlement
John Westley McGhee
Abraham  McGee
Mary Jane McGhee
Fanny M. McGhee
Elizabeth  McGee
Louisa Downie McGee
Abraham McGhee - Report of a Settlement
John Westley McGhee
Abraham  McGee
John Westley McGhee - Report of a Settlement
John Westley McGhee
Abraham  McGee
John Westley McGhee - Report of a Settlement

General Sources

  1. 1840 Census
    1840 Census - White Co., TN
    |name         |m5-9|m15-19|m30-39|m70-79|f0-4|f5-9|f10-14|f15-19|f40-49|Total
    |Abraham McGee|  1 |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1 |  1 |  2   |  1   |  1   |  10


Generated on: 1/22/2006 11:17:47 AM