Born: 12 Mar 1871 Warren Co., TN |
Died: 22 Jul 1948 Warren Co., TN Mt. View Cemetery, Warren Co., TN |
Married: 3 Nov 1889 Warren Co., TN |
James William "Will" McGee
General Sources
However, if the marriage date for Bitha and Van is correct (24 Dec 1881), then Van would have been 10 years old. This relationship needs further confirmation.McGee, Van. 12 May 1871-22 Jul 1948. [Levander, son of James W. and Margurite (Collier) McGee, husband of Tabitha Miller.] McGee, Bitha. 3 Mar 1862-22 Apr 1935. [Harriet Tabitha, daughter of George and Mary (Fuston) Miller, Wife of Levander "Van" McGee.] Stewart, Nealy M. 30 Dec 1894-25 Jun 1976. [Daughter of Van and Bitha (Miller) McGee, wife of R.H. Stewart.]
Census Place: District 2, Warren, Tennessee Source: FHL Film 1255283 National Archives Film T9-1283 Page 324A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace James MCGEE Self M W W 34 TN Occ: Farmer Fa: TN Mo: TN Van MCGEE Son M S W 9 TN Fa: TN Mo: TN Calhoun MCGEE Son M S W 7 TN Fa: TN Mo: TN Myrtte MCGEE Dau F S W 4 TN Fa: TN Mo: TN Jeremiah MCGEE Brother M S W 26 TN Occ: Farmer Fa: TN Mo: TN
1900 Census - Warren County, Tennessee |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth |father |mother |occu |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h |f# |twp | |pg#|Date |216|223|McGee, Levander |Head |w|m|May 1872 |28|m|12| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|F|Farm of house|122|McMinnville|District 1|45a|June 14, 1900 | | |McGee, Bartha |Wife |w|f|March 1863|37|m|12|5|5|Tennessee|Virginia |Tennessee| | | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | | | | |McGee, Jerry M. |daughter|w|f|Aug 1884 |13|s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |3|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | | | | |McGee, Bertha |daughter|w|f|Apr 1891 |10|s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |3|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | | | | |McGee, Willie |son |w|m|Oct 1892 |8 |s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee| | |3| | | | | | | | | | | | | |McGee, Nealy |daughter|w|f|Dec 1893 |6 |s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee| | |4| | | | | | | |McMinnville|District 1|p46|June 14, 1900 | | |McGee, Leslie |son |w|m|March 1996|4 |s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |218|225|McGee, James |Head |w|m|July 1845 |54|m|32| | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|Farmer |0| |yes|yes|yes|O|F|F |123| | | | | | |McGee, Martha |Wife |w|f|Feb 1846 |54|f|32|2|1|Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee| | | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | | | | |McGee, Johnie S.|son |w|m|June 1884 |15|s| | | |Tennessee|Tennessee|Tennessee|At School| |8|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |