McGee Reunion - ca 1978

McGee Reunion - ca 1978

Shellsford, TN
ca August 1978


List of people is from 1982 reunion, do not have exact year or have list of people for this photo

1st Row
Davy Pendergraph, Pam Basham, Donna Pendergraph, James Ward, James Allison, George Ward, Angela Douglass, Amy and Dana Pendergraph

2nd Row
Ella Mai Grove, Forrest Grove, Fern McGee, Alma Betchel, Etta Grove, Eula McGee, Louise Nelson, Elizabeth Bottoms, Everette Bottoms

3rd Row
John Douglass, Anna Ray Basham, Clata Deakins, Dock McGee, Nancy Ward, Bill Ward, Ada May Church, Edwin Allison, Howard McGee, Diana Pendergraph, David Pendergraph


Collection: McGee Reunion - Shellsford - ca 1978


Created: 11/7/01 8:26:49 PM