Tennessee Cemeteries
Charles Leonard Papers
TSLA Mf #1421 Reel #3 - Hooper
Norman T. McGee
Silas Roy McGee's copy of Maggie (Hooper) Frazier's Bible - Page A, lists name as Jacob Purdle
Tennessee Library Records
White County Library, Sparta, TN - Pirtle Folder, Foster A. Pirtle Family sheet
James R. Blanks
Census 1: 1830, White Co, TN; Page 54; 111001-01001
Census 2: 1840, White Co TN, Page 28; 2211001-000101
Census 3: 1850, White Co TN; Page 689-106
Census 4: 1860, White Co TN; Page 106-48
Census 5: 1870, White Co TN; 5th District; No. 133-133; Page 342
James S. Pirtle
Tax Lists for White county:
White County Courthouse - Sparta, TN
Tax Book 1816-1818
Captain Wallings Co.
Pirtle, George WP -, BP -, S -, Season -, RS -, TL --, RC -, Land 188
CH tax .11 3/4 State Tax .35 1/4 Poor Tax . 11 3/4 City Tax
.35 3/4 Amt: .94
Tax Book 1826-1829
Taxable property & poles in Captain Hutchings Co. for 1826
WP BP SH Seasons RS TL PC School
Lands Other Lands Amt.
Pirtl,e John - - - - -
- - 283 40
Pirtle, John Jr 1 - - - - -
- 50 - 136
Pirtle, Matthias 1 - - - - -
- - - 87
Pirtle, Jacob 1 - - - -
- - 49
80 210 1/2
Capt J. Wallings Co. for 1826
Purtle, Elijah 1 - - - -
- - 50 30
181 1/4
Capt. Hutchings Co. for 1827 Pg.
$ Cents
Pirtle, John Jr. 1 - - - - -
- - 100 - 1 43 3/4
Pirtle, John Sr. - - - - - -
- - 584 40 4 68
Pirtle, Jacob
149 80 2 40 1/2
Pirtle, Mathias
68 3/4
Pirtle, Samuel
68 3/4
Capt. John Wallings Co. for 1827 Pg. 91
Pirtle, Elijah
68 3/4
Pirtle, George
150 135 2 70 1/4
Capt. Hudson co. for 1828 Pg. 157
Pirtle, Jacob L.
149 80 2 20 1/4
Pirtle, Isaac C.
97 1 39 1/2
Pirtle, Richard
1 33 1/00
Pirtle, Matthias
50 97
Pirtle, John Jr
100 1 31 1/4
Pirtle, Samuel
50 97
Pirtle, John Sr.
444 14/100 40 4 67
Capt. John Walling co. for 1828 Pg. 168
Pirtle, George
1 3
96 135 4 27 3/4
Tax Book for 1821-1825
Capt. James Young co. year 1822 Pg. 53
Land Situation Amount
Pirtle, George
279 1/3 R. Creek 4.86 1/4
Pirtle, Jacob
80 do 2.23 3/4
Capt. Hudsons co. for 1823 Pg. 106
Pirtle, George 1
(blackpoll) 170 C.
Fork 3.64 1/2
Pirtle, Elijah
Capt. J. Youngs Co. tax year 1823 Pg. 116
40 Waters of Caney fork .41
Pirtle, Jacob
50 do 1.41 1/4
Tax year 1824 Capt. ? co. (hard to read on film) Pg. 148
Purtle, George 1
180 3.22
Purtle, Elijah 1
Capt. Hutchings co. tax year 1824 Pg. 163
Purtle, Jacob
50 1.26 1/4
Capt. Hutchings Company for the year 1825 Pg. 186 Schl lnds/other
Pirtle, John
316 40 2. 67
Pirtle, George 1(wp) 1
(bp) 120
180 4 31 1/4
Jacob 1
40 20 1 ??
1850 Census
1850 Census - White County, Tennessee
|h# |f# |name |ag|s|occu |re |birth |s|r|twp |pg |date
|689|689|Pirtle, Jacob |55|m|Farming|$100|North Carolina| | |District 5|53b|August 30, 1850
| | |Pirtle, Jain |50|f| | |South Carolina| |1| | |
| | |Pirtle, Foster E.|28|m|Farming| |Tennessee | |1| | |
| | |Pirtle, Walker |18|m|Farming| |Tennessee | | | | |
| | |Pirtle, Mary Ann |25|f| | |Tennessee | | | | |
| | |Pirtle, S. |15|m|Farming| |Tennessee |1| | | |
| | |Pirtle, Robinson |12|m| | |Tennessee |1| | | |
| | |Pirtle, Jesse H. |10|f| | |Tennessee |1| | | |
| | |Pirtle, Thomas A.|7 |m| | |Tennessee |1| | | |
1860 Census
1860 Census - White County, TN
|h# |f# |name |ag|s|occu |re |pe |birth |r|PO |D|pag|date
|737|722|Pirtle, Foster A.|38|m|Farmer|16 |800 |Tennessee | |Cassville|5|48b|July 6, 1860
| | |Pirtle, Margaret |22|f| | | |Tennessee |1| | | |
| | |Pirtle, Jacob L. |4 |m| | | |Tennessee | | | | |
| | |Pirtle, James W. |2 |m| | | |Tennessee | | | | |
| | |Pirtle, Sarrah |1 |f| | | |Tennessee | | | | |
|738|723|Pirtle, Jacob L. |65|m|Farmer|2500|4000|North Carolina| |Cassville|5|48b|July 6, 1860
| | |Pirtle, Jane |60|f| | | |South Carolina|1| | | |
| | |Gooch, James H. |23|m| | | |North Carolina|1| | | |
1870 Census
1870 Census - White County, Tennessee
|h# |f# |name |ag|s|r|occu |vre |vpe|birth |w|2|t|po |pg |date
|130|130|Pertle, Robinson |31|m|w|Farmer | |200|Tennessee | |1|5|Shady Grove|341b|June 17, 1870
| | |Pertle, Almeda |23|f|w|Keeping house | | |Tennessee |1| | | | |
| | |Pertle, Theadore |4 |m|w| | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Sofa E. |2 |f|w| | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
|132|132|Pertle, Robert |49|m|w|Farmer |1000|900|Tennessee | | |5|Shady Grove|342a|June 18,1870
| | |Pertle, Caroline |43|f|w|Keeping house | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Nancy I |20|f|w|Without Occupation| | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, George M. |15|m|w|Works on farm | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, William B. |13|m|w|Works on farm | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Alexander |11|m|w|Works on farm | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Samuel |8 |m|w| | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Josefine |5 |f|w| | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Pertle, Martha |2 |f|w| | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
|133|133|Pertle, Jacob L. |75|m|w|Farmer |800 |665|North Carolina| |1|5|Shady Grove|342a|June 18,1870
| | |Pertle, Jane |70|f|w|Keeping house | | |South Carolina|1| | | | |
| | |Grissom, Nancy E. |34|f|w|House Keeper | | |Tennessee | | | | | |
| | |Grissom, Francis L.|12|m|w| | | |Tennessee |1| | | | |
1820 Census
1820 Census - White Co., TN
| |m0-9|m16-18|m18-25|m45+|f0-9|f10-15|f26-44|ag|sm0-13|sm45+
|George Pirtle|2 |1 |3 |1 |3 |3 |1 |3 |1 |1
1830 Census
1830 Census - White Co., TN
|name |m0-4|m5-9|m10-14|m15-19|m20-29|m30-39|m50-59|m60-69|m70-79|f0-4|f5-9|f10-14|f15-19|f20-29|f40-49|f50-59
|Edward Hooper | | | |1 |1 | |1 | | |1 |1 | |1 |1 | |
|John Pirtle Jnr|1 | | | | |1 | | | |2 | | | |1 | |
|Elijah Purtle |1 | | | | |1 | | | |1 | | |1 | | |
|Isaac Purtle |2 | | | |1 | | | | | | | | |1 | |
|Jacob Purtle |1 |1 |1 | | |1 | | | | |1 | | |1 | |
|John Purtle Jr.|1 | | | | |1 | | | |1 |1 | | |1 | |
|John Purtle Sr.| | |1 |2 |1 | | |1 | | | | | |1 | |1
|Robert Cooke |1 | |1 |1 | | | | |1 | | |1 | | |1 |
1840 Census
1840 Census - White Co., TN
|name |m0-4|m5-9|m10-14|m15-19|m30-39|m40-49|m70-79|f0-4|f5-9|f10-14|f15-19|f30-39|f40-49|cm24-35|sf55-99|Total
|Elijah Pirtle | | 1 | | | 1 | | | 2 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | || | 7
|George Pirtle | | | | | | | 1 | 1 | | | 2 | | 1 | 1| | 6
|George Pirtle | | 2 | | | 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | | || | 5
|Jacob L. Pirtle| 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | | | | | 1 | 1 | | |1 | 10