White Co., TN | September 27, 1837 |
White County Tennessee Deed Book M, 1840-1842 Pages 201-202 John Pirtle | to | Jacob L. Pirtle | This Indenture made the 27th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven 37 between John Pirtle of the one part and Jacob L. Pirtle of the other part both of the County of White and State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that the said John Pirtle for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed unto the said L. Pirtle, his heirs and assigns a certain tracts or parcels of Land containing in one Survey forty acres. One more survey of One hundred and fifty six acres and 64 poles. Also another parcel containing Fifty acres all nearly adjoining to each other & all lying in White County and on the waters of Taylors Creek. The first beginning at a black oak, running thence west eighty poles to a black oak, thence south eighty poles to a black oak, thence East eight poles to a black oak, thence north 80 to the beginning. The second beginning as follows To wit: Beginning at a Peach tree, running thence west one hundred and eighty four poles to two post oaks, thence north one hundred and sixty six poles to a small white oak and post oak, thence east one hundred and eighty four poles to a stake two post oaks, black oak and black jack pointers, thence south one hundred and thirty poles to the Beginning. A third survey of Fifty acres Beginning at a Survey of Crowder entered by Jacob L. Pirtle the north west corner, running East with this line to its corner at the Potts Branch, thence north to the said John Pirtles corner of a forty acre track, thence west with that line to its corner and five poles past its corner, thence north to the branch, thence to said Potts line of one hundred and fifty six survey, thence west with that line to a black oak on that line, thence South to Vermillions land, thence East to the forty acre line of said Pirtle, thence south with said line to the beginning the whole Lands with these courses containing two hundred 46 acres more or less. The said John Pirtle conveys to the said Jacob L. Pirtle. To have and to hold the aforesaid tracks of Land with all and singular, the rights profits emulments hereditaments and appurtenances in any wise appertaining to the only purposes and behoof of him the said L. Pirtle his heirs and assigns forever for himself his heirs & assigns doth covenant and agree with the said L. Pirtle that the before receipted Land bargained premises he will warrant and forever defend from the claim of himself his heirs or assigns and from each and every person or persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof the said John Pirtle hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above written. Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. Test George Pirtle | his | John Pirtle Seal Milton X Paskell | mark | State of Tennessee | White County | Personally appeared before me Nicholas Oldham clerk of White County Court John Pirtle the above named conveyor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged the due execution of the within deed for the purposes therein contained which is recorded. Witness my hand at office the 6th November 1839. Test N. Oldham Clerk of White County Court Registered the 6th day of April A.D. 1841. Test N. Oldham Deputy of R. Smith Register White County Transcribed By: James R. Blanks 114 Somerset Lane Tullahoma, TN 37388 August 16, 2001