Mahala Pence Runkle is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Cambridge, Nebraska,Lot 4, Block 45 South. At time of death was living with daughter Rillaand Howard Easton.
Minidoka County News, Rupert, Minidoka Co., Idaho, Thursday February 28,1935. (Front Page) OBITUARY.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mahala Runkle, 91 years of age, pioneer ofthe Paul vicinity for the past 23 years, mother of Mrs. Howard Easton,who died at her home there Saturday evening from the effects of a firststroke of paralysis suffered February 15, wre conducted Tuesday afternoonat 2:30 o'clock at the Goodman Mortuary, the Rev. George G. Roseberryofficiating. Music for the service was rendered by Mrs. Jim Rose invocal solo. "There is a Land, Mine Eye Hath Seen", and Mrs. Rose andMrs. E. C. Willms in duet sang. "Nearere My God to Thee". Mrs. EdnaSinclair accompanied for both selections. The body accompanied by Mr.Easton was taken by train to Cambridge, Neb., for burial, where the bodyof her husband, James M. Runkle, rests.
Althogh weakened through the infirmities of age during the last fewyears, Mrs. Runkle had beenin remarkably good health and even after thestoke of paralysis about ten days ago affecting her right side, she madesurprising improvement until a very short time before the final summonscame and was rational to the last. "For her, life closed as quietly ascomes the evening time at the close of a day".
She was born September 1, 1842, in St. Paris, Champaign County,Ohio. She was married to James M. Runkle January 10, 1860. They movedto Cambridge, Nebraska, in 1885. Mr. Runkle died there December 15,1911, and soon after Mrs. Runkle went to Torrington, Wyo., where shespent one year with a daughter and in 1912 came to Idaho, making her homeat the Easton place northwest of Paul. She was the mother of sixchildren, four of whom are living.
Besides Mrs. Easton she is survived by one son, Wiley A. Runkle ofChilicothe, Missouri; two daughters, Mrs. May Kellogg, of California, andMrs. Laura C. Peters of Oregon. Six grandchildren. Mrs. Earl Goode ofKimberly, Mrs. Vern Patterson, Charlie Easton, Clinton Easton, Laura MaeEaston, all of Paul, and Miss Emma Easton of Rupert, and twelve greatgrandchildren, six of whom were here for the funeral, Evelyn, Roscoe andLloyd Patterson and Gene Easton of Paul, Irene Belle and Buster Goode ofKimberly; a cousin, Esther Easton of Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wolf ofBurley, special friends, where here for the service.
James Monroe Runkle Is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Cambridge, NebraskaLot 4 Block 45 South. His wife, Mahala and mother, Mary Anna Frysingeralso buried in Lot 4, Block 45 South.
Ethel Fattig, niece wrote; " Uncle Jimmie and Aunt Mahala Pence wasmarried in Champaign Co., Ohio was living in South Whitley, Indiana in1861. They loaned her brother money and he did not pay them back, thisbroke them. They left Indiana moved to Cambridge, Nebraska in 1885 andHomesteaded just south of the Republican River south of Cambridge.""James Monroe Runkle bought the Cemetery lot 4 block 45 in the part southof the Road June 30, 1893 and thats same day that his Mother, Mary AnnFrysinger Runkle died. She is buried in his lot at north side. When Iwas down visiting James and Pearl Runkle (son and daughter of WileyRunkle) James asked me if I would help pay for a stone for greatgrandmother Mary Ann, wife of Rev. David Runkle and asked if I would seeabout getting it up and I did. We split the cost, he paid 1/2 and I paid1/2. She was making her home with them as gr. grandfather David died inChampaign Co., Ohio. Her stone is gray slanting slab. Uncle James andAunt Mahala's stone is grey base with brown top."
Family Data
Death Certificate
No. 92704, State of Idaho
1860 Census
1860 Census - Champaign County, Ohio
|h# |f# |name |ag|s|occu |re |pe |birth |twp |page
|971|971|David Runkle |60|M|Farmer|4400|700|Virginia|Madriver|P.O. Westville
| | |Mary A. Runkle|49|F| | | |Virginia| |
| | |B.E. Runkle |8 |F| | | |Ohio | |
1880 Census
1880 Census - Whitley County, Indiana - June 10, 1880
|d# |f# |name |r|s|Ag|rel |s|m|occu |me|birth |Fath|moth|twp |pg
|135|136|Runkle, James |w|m|40| | |x|Farmer |12|Ohio |Ohio|Ohio|Cleveland|512
| | |Runkle, Mahala |w|f|38|Wife | |x|Keeps House|12|Ohio |Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Samantha|w|f|19|dau |x| | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Wally |w|m|14|son |x| |Scholar | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Viletta |w|f|7 |dau | | | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, Belle |w|f|6 |dau | | | | |Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
| | |Runkle, John |w|m|24|nephew| | |Laborer |12|Indiana|Ohio|Ohio| |
1870 Census
1870 Census - Whitley County, Indiana - June 9, 1870
|h# |f# |name |ag|s|r|occu |vre |vpe |birth |s|r|w|2|twp |po |pg
|165|149|Runkle, James M. |32|m|w|Farmer and |5200|1100|Ohio | | | |x|Cleveland|So. Whitley|21
| | | | | | |Lumber Mfg. | | | | |x|x| | | |
| | |Runkle, Mahala |26|f|w|Keep House | | |Ohio |x| | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Laura S. |9 |f|w| | | |Ohio |x| | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Charles F. |7 |m|w| | | |Indiana|x| | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Wily Anderson|5 |m|w| | | |Indiana| | | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Minerva A. |18|f|w|Domestic Servant| | |Ohio | | | | | | |
1900 Census
1900 Census - Furnas County, Nebraksa - June 13, 1900
|hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |ag|m|ym|birt|father |mother |occu |m|rd |wri|eng|o|h |f#|twp
|163|165|Runkle, James M. |Head|w|M|Jan 1837 |63|m|40|Ohio|Virginia|Virginia|Farmer|0|yes|yes|yes|0|Farm of house|17|Medicine Creek Precinct
| | |Runkle, Mahala P.|Wife|w|f|Sept 1842|57|m|40|Ohio|Virginia|Virginia| | |no |no |yes| | | |
1910 Census
1910 Census - Furnas County, Nebraska - May 3, 1910
|hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|ag|m|ym|birt|father |mother | |occu |rd |wri|o|f|h|twp
|139|142|Runkle, James M.|Head|m|w|72|m|50|Ohio|Virginia|Virginia|Eng|own income|yes|yes|0|f|h|Cambridge precinct
| | |Runkle, Mahala |wife|f|w|68|m|50|Ohio|Virginia|Virginia|Eng|none | | | | | |
1930 Census
1930 Census - Minidoka County, Idaho - No Date
|h#|f#|Name |rel |h|f |s|r|ag|m |a |sch|rd |birth |father |mother |eng |trade |type |e|w |v |f#|twp |pg
|73|75|Easton, Howard |H |R|Yes|M|w|54|M |21|no |yes|Illinois|Ohio |Ohio |yes |farmer|GenFarm|E|yes|no|66|Paul |5B
| | |Easton, Rilla |w | |x |F|w|55|m |23|no |yes|Indiana |Ohio |Ohio |yes |none | | | | | |Dist 8|
| | |Easton, Clinton |Son | |x |m|w|20|s | |no |yes|Nebraska|Illinois |Indiana |yes |farmer|genFarm|E|yes|no|67| |
| | |Easton, Laura Mae|dau | |x |F|w|19|s | |yes|yes|Nebraska|Illinois |Indiana |none| | | | | | | |
| | |Runkle, Mahala |mother-in-law| |x |F|w|87|wd|16|no |yes|Ohio |United States|United States|none| | | | | | | |
Marriage Sources
Marriage Records
Marriage #7300, performed by John Ebert M.G.Marriage Records of Champaign Co., Ohio