Peter Runkle

Peter Runkle

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Born: 27 Feb 1832
St Paris, Chanpaign Co., Ohio

Died: 19 Sep 1901
Avalon, Livingston Co., Missouri
Buried: 1901
Burnside Cemetery S.E. of Chillicothe, MO, Avalon



Isaiah Runkle
eli  runkle
Eli Runkle
  +Lydia Ann Stover
        Sarah Amanda Runkle
        Minerva Ann Runkle
        David Lewis Runkle
        John Joseph Runkle
        Baby girl Runkle
        James Monroe Runkle
        Elmus Elmer Runkle
        Mary Idella Runkle
        Albert Perry Runkle
        Dicie Jane Runkle
        Dora Bell Runkle
Levi Runkle
  +Lucindia Pence Martin
        David Gilla Runkle
        Loretta Runkle
        Hosea N. Runkle
        Hulda Runkle
        Tully R. Runkle
  +Louisa Maggast
Edward Runkle
  +Mary Lucindia Death
        E. Runkle
        LeGrand Byington Runkle
        Sarah C. Runkle
        Otto Maynard Runkle
        Emmett Runkle
        Lula Runkle
        Viola Ollie Runkle
        Hettie Runkle
        Nettie Victoria Runkle
        William Monroe Runkle
James Monroe Runkle
  +Mahala Pence
        Laura Samantha Runkle
        Charles Franklin Runkle
        Wiley Anderson Runkle
        Infant Runkle
        Violetta Mae Runkle
        Arilla Belle Runkle

Family #1


Sary Ann Pence

Married: 28 Aug 1851
St. Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio, #5338 by John Eber


Barbara Runkle
  +Silas Taylor
  +Jehile Gabriel
        Cora Ann Gabriel

Family #2


Anna Mariah Walter
f: John Walter
m: Rebecca Shell

Married: 17 Feb 1859
#7107 by John Ebert M.G., Champaign Co., Ohio


Charles Walter Runkle
  +Lydia Ellen Garvin
        Monte C. Runkle
        Don Fidilis Runkle
        Effie Bernice Runkle
        Olen Walter Runkle
Mary Effie Runkle
  +Clarence Emerson
        Earl Emerson
        Claire Emerson
Cora Alice Runkle
  +Harold Benjamin Fort
        Mabel Effie Fort
        Faye Estelle Fort
        Harold McKinnie Fort
        Marie Alice Fort
        Russel Walter Fort
        Esther Margaret Fort
        Lois Mildred Fort
        Jesse Clark Fort

Photo Archive

Charles Walter Runkle
Peter  Runkle
Runkle Farm
Sary Ann Pence
Peter  Runkle
Sally Ann Runkle Tombstone
Sary Ann Pence
Peter  Runkle
Sally Ann Runkle's Tombstone

General Sources

  1. Ethel Fattig Collection: Peter Runkle was a good blacksmith andcarpenter. He was short, long-bodied and short-legged, with bright blackeyes, a high-bridged nose and black hair. He always insisted that hisMother was part Indian though his brother, James always denied it just asvigorously. He liked music, could sing very well.
  2. Family Data
    Ethel Fattig Collection
  3. Marriage Records
    pg. 34, Syracruse, Turkey Creek, Indian
  4. 1850 Census
    1850 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - July 25, 1850
    |h#|f#|name           |ag|s|occu     |re  |birth   |s
    |82|82|David Runkle   |49|m|Farmer   |2200|Virginia|
    |  |  |Mary Ann Runkle|40|F|         |    |Virginia|
    |  |  |P. Runkle      |18|m|Carpenter|    |Virginia|
    |  |  |Ed Runkle      |15|m|Labor    |    |Virginia|
    |  |  |James Runkle   |12|m|         |    |Virginia|x
  5. 1880 Census
    1880 Census -Koscuiska County, Indiana - 21 June 1880
    |d# |f# |name           |r|s|Ag|rel     |s|m|occu         |m|s|birth       |Father      |mother      |twp
    |169|181|Runkle, Peter  |w|M|48|        | |x|Farmer       |x| |Ohio        |Virginia    |Pennsylvania|Jackson
    |   |   |Runkle, Anna   |w|F|50|        | |x|Keeping house| | |Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania|
    |   |   |Runkle, Charley|w|M|20|Son     |x| |works on farm|x|x|Indiana     |Ohio        |Pennsylvania|
    |   |   |Runkle, Effie  |w|F|15|Daughter|x| |At home      | |x|Indiana     |Ohio        |Pennsylvania|
    |   |   |Runkle, Alice  |w|F|11|Daughter|x| |At home      | |x|Indiana     |Ohio        |Pennsylvania|
  6. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Livingston County - June 18, 1900
    |hn |fn |Name            |rel     |r|s|birth    |ag|m |ym|n|l|birth   |father  |mother      |occu     |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h|f# |twp
    |237|237|Runkle, Charles |Head    |w|m|Oct 1863 |36|M |12| | |Indiana |Ohio    |Pennsylvania|Faarmer  |0| |yes|yes|yes|0|x|x|159|Fairview
    |   |   |Runkle, Lydia   |wife    |w|f|July 1864|35|m |12|4|4|Illinois|Maryland|Illinois    |         | | |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Monte C.|son     |w|m|Mar 1888 |12|s |  | | |Missouri|Indiana |Illinois    |at school| |7|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Don F.  |son     |w|m|Dec 1889 |10|s |  | | |Missouri|Indiana |Illinois    |at school| |8|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Effie B.|daughter|w|f|Oct 1891 |8 |s |  | | |Missouri|Indiana |Illinois    |at school| |8|yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Olen    |son     |w|m|Nov 1884 |5 |s |  | | |Missouri|Indiana |Illinois    |         | | |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Peter   |Father  |w|m|Feb 1832 |68|wd|  | | |Ohio    |Virginia|Pennsylvania|         | | |yes|yes|yes| | | |   |
  7. 1870 Census
    1870 Census - Kosciusko County, Indiana - June 3, 187Date
    |h#|f#|name              |ag|s|r|occu         |vre |vpe|birth       |s|2
    |13|13|Runkle, Peter     |38|m|w|Farmer       |1800|500|Ohio        | |x
    |  |  |Runkle, Anna M.   |40|F|w|Keep house   |    |   |Pennsylvania| |
    |  |  |Runkle, Charles W.|10|m|w|Attend school|    |   |Indiana     |x|
    |  |  |Mary E.           |5 |F|w|             |    |   |Indiana     |x|
    |  |  |Runkle, Cary A.   |1 |F|w|             |    |   |Indiana     | |
    Marriage Sources
  8. Marriage Records
    Book E, p 78, Champaign Co., Ohio


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