Prince Albert Runkle

Prince Albert Runkle

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Born: 6 Feb 1896
St. Paris, Campaign Co., Ohio

Died: 14 Jan 1952
Buried: 1952



Elias Wayne Runkle
John Douglas Runkle Rev.
  +Mae C. Clem
        Elva Clem Runkle
        Lloyd Clem Runkle
William Farrell Runkle
  +Myrtle Lee Ward
        Emmett Douglas Runkle
        Letha Mae Runkle
        Florence Oma Runkle
        John Garnard Runkle
        Gladys Elizabeth Runkle
        Martha Myrtle Runkle
        William Carroll Runkle
Loretta Runkle
  +Walter Young
Alba Crockett Runkle
  +Hazel Grace Clem
        Orville Runkle
        Emerson Runkle
        Melvin Runkle
        Emma Runkle
        Edith Runkle
        Mary G. Runkle
        Alba Runkle

General Sources

  1. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - June 16, 1900
    |hn |fn |Name              |rel     |r|s|birth    |age |m|ym|n|l|birt|fath|moth|occu        |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|h            |f# |twp
    |206|210|Runkle, Hosea N.  |Head    |w|m|July 1854|45  |M|22| | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Farmer      |0| |yes|yes|yes|R|Farm of house|141|Johnson twp.
    |   |   |Runkle, Queene    |Wife    |W|F|Mar 1860 |40  |M|22|6|5|Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|            | | |yes|yes|   | |             |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, William F.|Son     |W|M|June 1883|17  |S|  | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Farm Laborer|0| |yes|yes|yes| |             |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Alby C.   |Son     |W|M|May 1889 |11  |S|  | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|at School   | |8|yes|yes|yes| |             |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Loretta J.|Daughter|W|F|May 1891 |9   |S|  | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|at School   | |6|yes|yes|yes| |             |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Prince S. |Son     |W|M|Feb 1900 |0/12|S|  | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|            | | |   |   |   | |             |   |
  2. 1910 Census
    1910 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - May 26, 1910
    |hn |fn |Name             |rel |r|s|ag|m |ym|n|l|birt|fath|moth|   |occu  |trade   |wk|rd |wri|sch|o|f|h            |f# |twp
    |192|192|Runkle, Hosea    |Head|m|w|55|M1|32| | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|Farmer|Gen farm|0w|Yes|Yes|   |0|F|Farm of house|129|Johnson
    |   |   |Runkle, Queen B. |Wife|F|w|49|M1|32|6|5|Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|None  |        |  |Yes|Yes|   | | |             |   |
    |   |   |Runkle, Prince A.|Son |M|w|13|s |  | | |Ohio|Ohio|Ohio|Eng|None  |        |  |Yes|Yes|Yes| | |             |   |


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