Born: 13 Mar 1857 Ava, Ozark Co., MO |
Died: 9 Mar 1925 Pigeon Creek, Baxter Co., Arkansas |
Married: ABT 1877 |
Winnie Frances Thompson
Myrtle Amertia Jane Thompson
Benjamin Harrison "Harrison" Thompson
Married: 10 Aug 1890 Two Hickory Bush, Douglas Co., MO |
Ralph Otto Thompson |
Elsie Lougiller Thompson |
Rose Florence Thompson
Henry Clarence Thompson |
Joshua Thompson
Married: 25 Nov 1904 Baxter Co., AR |
Deliah Thompson
Bertha Mae Thompson
Lucy Ann Pain |
Married: 2 Oct 1911 Baxter Co., AR |
General Sources
Baxter County, Arkansas Marriage Records LDS Film #1031147 Item #2 Page 447 J. T. Jones signe as security A.W. Thompson of Pigeon Twp, age 47 Miss Lou Stone of Logan Twp, age 28
1900 Baxter County, Arkansas Census - June 1900 |hn|fn|Name |rel |r|s|birth |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth |father |mother |occu |a|rd |wri|eng|o|h|twp |pg# |49|49|Thompson, Anderson |head |w|m|Mar 1857 |43|m|10| | |Missouri|Kentucky|Kentucky|Day laborer| |yes|yes|yes|R|H|Pigeon|44a | | |Thompson, Janie |wife |w|f|July 1872|27|m|10|6|2|Arkansas|Michigan|Michigan| | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Thompson, Ralph O. |son |w|m|Mar 1892 |8 |s| | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Arkansas| |0|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Thompson, Elsa |daughter|w|f|Sept 1895|4 | | | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Missouri| | |no |no |yes| | | | | | |Thompson, Rosa C. |daughter|w|f|July 1898|1 |s| | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Missouri| | | | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Henry C. |son |w|m|July 1898|1 |s| | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Missouri| | | | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Winnie E.|daughter|w|f|Mar 1882 |18|s| | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Missouri| | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Thompson, Myrtle |daughter|w|f|Jan 1888 |12|s| | | |Arkansas|Missouri|Missouri| | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Thompson, Ben H. |son |w|m|Jan 1890 |10|s| | | |Arkansas|Arkansas|Missouri| | |yes|yes|yes| | | |
1910 Baxter County, Arkansas Census - April, 1910 |h|f|Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |birth |father |mother | |occu |trade |wk|rd |wri|sch|o|h|f|twp |pg# |2|2|Thompson, Anderson|head |m|w|53|wd|Missouri|Tennessee|Tennessee|Eng|Farmer|Home Farm|OA|yes|yes| |R|F|2|Pigeon|51a | | |Thompson, Ralph |son |m|w|17|s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri |Eng|Farmer|Home Farm|OA|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Thompson, Elsie |daughter|f|w|14|s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri |Eng|none | | |yes|yes| | | | | | | | |Thompson, Henry |son |m|w|11|s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri |Eng|none | | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | | |Thompson, Rosy |daughter|f|w|11|s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri |Eng|none | | | | |yes| | | | | | | |Thompson, Joshuay |son |m|w|7 |s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri | |none | | | | |yes| | | | | | | |Thompson, Delila |daughter|f|w|3 |s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri | |none | | | | | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Birtha |daughter|f|w|2 |s |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri | |none | | | | | | | | | |
1920 Baxter County, Arkansas Census - January 1920 |farm|hn |fn |Name |rel |h|s|r|Ag|m|sch|rd |wr |birth |Father |Mother |trade |type |w |f# |twp |pg# |Farm|232|244|Thompson, Anderson|head |R|m|w|62|m| |yes|yes|Missouri|Kentucky|Kentucky|farmer |general farming|em|164|Mountain Home|258a | | | |Thompson, Lucy |wife | |f|w|56|m| |yes|no |Kentucky|Kentucky|Kentucky|none | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Henry |son | |m|w|22|s| |yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri|Kentucky|Farm Labor|home farm |w | | | | | | |Thompson, Joshua |son | |m|w|17|s|no |yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri|Kentucky|Farm Labor|home farm |w | | | | | | |Thompson, Delilah |daughter| |f|w|13|s|yes|yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri|Kentucky|none | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Bertha |daughter| |f|w|11|s|yes|yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri|Kentucky|none | | | | |
1880 Census - Dent County, Missouri - June 18, 1880 |d# |f# |name |r|s|Age |rel |s|m|occu |m|r|w|birth |Father |mother |twp |pg |412|412|Morris, John |w|m|66 | | |1|Laborer |x| | |North Carolina|North Carolina|North Carolina|Spring Creek|443a | | |Morris, Emeline |w|f|54 |wife | |1|keeping house| | |1|Tennessee |North Carolina|Tennessee | | | | |Morris, Thomas S. |w|m|15 |son |1| |works on farm| |1|1|Missouri |North Carolina|Tennessee | | | | |Trivet, E. |w|m|21 |son-in-law| |1|works on farm| |1|1|Arkansas |North Carolina|Arkansas | | | | |Trivet, Arminda J.|w|f|18 |daughter | |1|no occupation| |1|1|Missouri |North Carolina|Tennessee | | | | |Trivet, David |w|m|7/12|Grandson |1| | | | | |Missouri |Arkansas |Missouri | | |415|415|Thompson, A. |w|m|23 | | |1|works on farm| | | |Missouri |Kentucky |Kentucky | | | | |Thompson, Amanda |w|f|21 |wife | |1| | | | |Missouri |Georgia |Tennessee | | | | |Thompson, Nancy E.|w|f|1 |daughter |1| | | | | |Arkansas |Missouri |Missouri | |
1860 Census - Ozark County, Missouri - June 28, 1860 |h# |f# |name |ag|s|r|occu|re |pe |birth |twp |pa |383|383|Richard Thompson|33|m|w|farm|800|145|Kentucky|Falling Spring|58 | | |Francis L. |36|f|w| | | |Kentucky| | | | |Benjamin S. |9 |m|w| | | |Arkansas| | | | |William H. |8 |m|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |John W. |6 |m|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Alexander W. |4 |m|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Andrew |3 |m|w| | | |Missouri| | | | |Barbara E. |1 |f|w| | | |Missouri| |
1870 Census - Ozark, Missouri - August 16, 1870 |h#|f#|name |ag|s|r|occu |vpe|birth |s|r|w|2|twp |PO |pg |69|69|Thompson, Richard |42|m|w|Farmer |350|Kentucky | |1|1|1|Marion|Gainsville|215a | | |Thompson, Francis L. |46|f|w|Keeping house| |Kentucky | |1|1| | | | | | |Thompson, Bennet S. |19|m|w|Farmer | |Arkansas |1|1|1| | | | | | |Thompson, William H. |19|m|w|Farmer | |Missouri |1|1| | | | | | | |Thompson, John M. |16|m|w|Farmer | |Missouri |1|1|1| | | | | | |Thompson, Alexander W.|14|m|w|Farmer | |Missouri |1| | | | | | | | |Thompson, Barbara E. |10|f|w|at home | |Missouri |1| | | | | | | | |Thompson, Anderson W. |12|m|w|at home | |Missouri |1| | | | | | | | |Thompson, Sarah F. |8 |w|w|at home | |Missouri |1| | | | | | | | |Thompson, Mary J. |7 |f|w|at home | |Missouri | | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Richard A. |5 |m|w|at home | |Missouri | | | | | | | | | |Thompson, Sanders |82|m|w|Farmer | |North Carolina| | | |1| | |