Obituary: Carthage Republican News, Carthage, Illinois. Transcribed byAudra McGee
Benjamin Tucker born in Page Co., Va. July 21, 1826 and came to thiscountry when a boy and grew to manhood in pioneer days of Illinois.United in marriage to Eva Martha Preston Bef. 13, 1851. 12 children wereborn to this union, 5 boys and7 girls which eleven with their mothersurvive him. One daughter preceeded him.
After 5 years of married life has lived on present place till death.
Mr. Tucker united with Primative Baptist Church at Providence near60 years ago and later moved menbership to Middle Creek Church.
Friday morning the 9th he fell peacefully asleep at age of 82 years,11 mos. & 12 days.
Leaves to mourn his wife, 11 children, 27 granchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren.
Funeral Services held at the Baptist Church at Middle Creek,Sunday. Burial at Harmony Cemetery with Rev. L.E. Frazee officiating.