Hattie Lee Thacker

Hattie Lee Thacker

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Born: ABT 1913

Died: 2 Jan 1941



William R. Thacker

Susie J. Standage


Maud Thacker
  +Clifton Cowart
        Ruby Cowart
        Roxy Cowart
        Rudolph Cowart
        Rosco Cowart
Clifton Thacker
Bernie Thacker
Lilly Thacker
  + Ohms
Ben Thacker
Harpsy Cora Thacker
  +Grando Norman "Norman" Cox
        Norman Cox, Jr.
        Donald Leon Cox
        Martha Jane Cox
        Judith Kay Cox
        Paul Wayne Cox
        Larry Gene Cox
Ora Thacker
  +William Harp "Harp" Cox
        Ray Bob Cox
        Marshall Dean Cox
Martha Thacker
  +Joe Chandler


Photo Archive

Rosco J. Chandler
Hattie Lee Thacker
Donald Leon Cox
Harpsy Cora Thacker
Grando Norman Norman Cox
Norman  Cox, Jr.
Rosco Chandler and Norman Cox Families
Rosco J. Chandler
Hattie Lee Thacker
Rosco and Hattie
Rosco J. Chandler
Hattie Lee Thacker
Rosco and Hattie

General Sources

  1. My Limb on the Cox Tree
    Page 43 - The McGees
  2. Margie Garr
    Hatch Match & Dispatch, Vol. 7, transcribed from "The Baxter Bulletin"

    January 10, 1941, page 1, Mrs. R.J.Chandler, 27, died last Thursday at the home of her father, Will Thacker. She is survived by her husband and several brothers and sisters. Burial was at Thacker Cemetery
  3. 1930 Census
    1930 Baxter County, Arkansas Census - April, 1930
    |hn|fn|Name               |rel     |h|f  |S|R|Age  |m|a |sc|rd |birth   |Father   |Mother        |eng|trade |Type of busin|w |y
    |18|19|Thacker, Susie     |Head    |O|yes|F|w|53   |m|18|no|yes|Missouri|Illinois |Illinois      |yes|farmer|farm operator|O |yes
    |  |  |Thacker, Ben       |son     | |yes|m|w|19   |s|  |no|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri      |yes|farmer|mother's farm|np|yes
    |  |  |Thacker, Hattie    |daughter| |   |f|w|16   |s|  |no|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri      |yes|none  |             |  |
    |  |  |Thacker, Harley    |daughter| |   |f|w|13   |s|  |no|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri      |yes|none  |             |  |
    |  |  |Thacker, Ora       |daughter| |   |f|w|11   |s|  |no|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri      |yes|none  |             |  |
    |19|20|Thacker, William R.|head    |0|yes|m|w|57   |m|22|no|yes|Missouri|Tennessee|South Carolina|yes|farmer|farm operator|O |yes
    |20|21|Cowart, Clifton    |Head    |o|yes|m|w|42   |m|22|no|yes|Arkansas|Georgia  |Georgia       |yes|farmer|farm operator|O |yes
    |  |  |Cowart, Mand       |wife    | |es |f|w|34   |m|16|no|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri      |yes|none  |             |  |
    |  |  |Cowart, Roxie      |daughter| |yes|f|w|13   |s|  |no|   |Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas      |yes|none  |             |  |
    |  |  |Cowart, Rudolph    |son     | |   |m|w|7    |s|  |no|   |Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas      |no |none  |             |  |
    |  |  |Cowart, Rosco      |son     | |   |m|w|37664|s|  |no|   |Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas      |no |none  |             |  |
    |21|22|Chandler, Evert    |Head    |O|yes|m|w|30   |m|29|no|yes|Arkansas|Arkansas |Tennessee     |yes|farmer|farm operator|O |yes
    |  |  |Chandler, Ruby     |wife    | |   |f|w|16   |m|15|no|yes|Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas      |yes|none  |             |  |


Generated on: 12/3/2007 9:09:35 PM