Martha Thacker

Martha Thacker

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Died: AFT 1936



William R. Thacker

Susie J. Standage



Photo Archive

William Bill Chandler
Elsie  unknown
Joe  Chandler
Martha  unknown
George W. Chandler
Edna Florence McGee
Norma  Chandler
Fred  Stewart
Cordelia  Hill
Ova  Chandler
The Chandlers

General Sources

  1. Doris Parrott
    Email communication on August 25, 2001.
  2. Margie Garr
    Hatch Match & Dispatch, Vol. 5, transcribed from "The Baxter Bulletin"

    May 29, 1936, page 52, Mrs. Wm. R. Thacker (Susie J. Standage) died May 23. She is survived by five daughters: Mrs. Maud Cowart, Mrs. Mattie Chandler, Mrs. Harp Cox, Miss Ora, all of Mounain home and Mrs. Lily Ohms of Mountainburg, Arkansas; Three sons, Ben and Burney, local residants and Clifford of Chalk, TX. She was married in 1894 and was born in Webster Co., MO. She spent 52 of her 60 years in Baxter County. She was burried in Thacker Cemetery.
  3. 1920 Census
    1920 Baxter County, Arkansas Census - February 1920
    |farm|hn|fn|Name               |rel     |h|f|s|r|Age |m|sch|rd |wr |birth   |Father   |Mother  |eng|trade  |type
    |farm|62|62|Cowart, Clifton    |head    |0|m|m|w|33  |m|   |yes|yes|Arkansas|Tennessee|Georgia |yes|Farmer |general farming
    |    |  |  |Cowart, Maud       |wife    | | |f|w|24  |m|   |yes|yes|Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Cowart, Ruby       |daughter| | |f|w|6   |s|   |   |   |Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Cowart, Roxy       |daughter| | |f|w|3   |s|   |   |   |Arkansas|Arkansas |Arkansas|yes|none   |
    |farm|63|63|Thacker, William R.|head    |0|m|m|w|44  |m|   |yes|yes|Missouri|Missouri |Missouri|yes|farmer |general farming
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Susie     |wife    | | |f|w|44  |m|   |yes|yes|Missouri|Illinois |Illinois|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Cliff     |son     | | |m|w|17  |s|yes|yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|laborer|home farm
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Bernie    |son     | | |m|w|14  |s|yes|yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|laborer|home farm
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Lilly     |daughter| | |f|w|11  |s|yes|yes|yes|Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Ben       |son     | | |m|w|9   |s|yes|yes|   |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Hattie    |daughter| | |f|w|6   |s|   |   |   |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Cora      |daughter| | |f|w|3   |s|   |   |   |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|none   |
    |    |  |  |Thacker, Ora       |daughter| | |f|w|7/12|s|   |   |   |Arkansas|Missouri |Missouri|yes|none   |


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