Born: Jan 1862 |
George W. Warden
General Sources
1880 Census - Dallas County, Iowa - July 1, 1880 |d#|f#|name |r|s|Age |rel |s|m|occu |s|birth |Father |mother |81|82|Warden, George |w|m|39 | | |x|Farmer | |Ohio |Pennsylvania|Maryland | | |Warden, Miram |w|f|28 |wife | |x|Keeping house| |Indiana|Ohio |Virginia | | |Warden, Adelbert|w|m|17 |son |x| | |x|Iowa |Ohio |Indiana | | |Warden, Joseph |w|f|4 |daughter|x| | | |Iowa |Ohio |Indiana | | |Warden, Robert |w|m|3 |son |x| | | |Iowa |Ohio |Indiana | | |Warden, Franklin|w|m|8/12|son |x| | | |Iowa |Ohio |Indiana
1870 Census - DallasCounty, Iowa - July 1, 1870 |h# |f# |name |ag|s|r|occu |vre |vpe |birth |r|w|2|twp |po |116|118|Warden, Samuel |81|m|w|Farmer |8000|1600|Pennsylvani|x|x|x|DesMoines|SwedePoint | | |Warden, Margaret|57|f|w|KeepsHouse | | |Ohio |x|x| | | | | |Warden, George |28|m|w|at home farmer| | |Ohio |x|x|x| | | | |Warden, Dalibert|8 |m|w| | | |Iowa | | | | |
1900 Census - Dallas County, Iowa - June 19, 1900 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |ag|m|ym|n|l|birt|father |mother |occu |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|h |f# |twp |290|298|Warden, A. Delbert|Head |w|m|Jan 1862 |38|m|11| | |Iowa|Ohio |Ohio |farmer |0| |yes|yes|yes|R|Farm of house|140|DesMoines | | |Warden, Ora |wife |w|f|Jan 1870 |30|m|11|3|3|Iowa|Germany|Illinois| | | |yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Warden, George A. |son |w|m|Feb 1890 |10|S| | | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |farm hand| |6|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Warden, Clara J. |daughter|w|f|July 1891|8 |s| | | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |at school| |6|yes|yes|yes| | | | | | |Warden, Dora E. |daughter|w|f|Jan 1894 |6 |s| | | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |at school| |6|yes|yes|yes| | | |
1910 Census - Dallas County, Iowa - April 26, 1910 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |ym|birt|father |mother | |occu |trade |wk|rd |wri|sch|o|h |f#|twp |pg# |332|340|Warden, Delbert A.|Head |M|W|48|M1|21|Iowa|Ohio |Iowa |Eng.|Farming|Gen. farm|Oa|Yes|Yes| |R|Farm of house|21|Des Moines|15A | | |Warden, Ora M. |wife |F|W|40|M1|21|Iowa|Ger. German|Illinois|Eng.|None | | |Yes|Yes| | | | | | | | |Warden, George A. |son |M|W|20|S | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |Eng.|None | | |Yes|Yes|No | | | | | | | |Warden, Clara J. |daughter|F|W|18|S | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |Eng.|None | | |Yes|Yes|No | | | | | | | |Warden, Doretta E.|daughter|f|w|16|s | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |Eng.|None | | |Yes|Yes|yes| | | | |15B | | |Warden, Zylpha M. |daughter|f|w|8 |s | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa | |None | | | | |yes| | | | | | | |Warden, Harry E. |son |m|w|5 |s | |Iowa|Iowa |Iowa | |None | | | | |No | | | | |
1920 Census - Washburn County, Wisconsin - January 17, 1920 |sa |h# |Name |rel |h|f|s|r|age |m|sch|rd |wri|birth |father |mother |trade |emp |twp |pg |122|128|Warden, Adelbert |H |O|F|M|W|58 |M| |yes|yes|Iowa |Ohio |Iowa |Farmer|none |Spooner Ciey|5B | | |Warden, Ora M. |w | | |F|w|50 |m| |yes|yes|Iowa |Germany|Iowa |none | |City | | | |Warden, Zylpha M. |dau | | |f|w|18 |s|yes|yes|yes|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |none | | | | | |Warden, Harry F. |son | | |M|w|14 |s|yes|yes|yes|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |none | | | | | |Warden, Marjorie J.|dau | | |F|w|8 |a|yes| | |Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |none | | | | | |Hawkshead, |son-| | |m|w|28 |m| |yes|yes|Alabama|England|Alabama|Clerk |Gen. Store| | | | |Harry F. |law | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Hawkshead, | | | |f|w|28 |m| |yes|yes|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |none | | | | | |Clara J. |dau | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Hawkshead, |Gr. | | |f|w|2 5/12|s| | | |Montana|Alabama|Iowa |none | | | | | |Sarah M. |dau | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1930 Census - Burnett, Wisconsin - April 19, 1930 |h#|f#|Name |rel |h|r |s|r|ag|m|a |sch|rd |birt|father|mother |trade |type |w |v |f#|pg |11|11|Warden, A. Delbert |H |O|yes|M|W|68|M|27|No |Yes|Iowa|Ohio |Iowa |Farmer|General farm|Yes|no|35|2A | | |Warden, Ora |wife| |x |F|W|60|M|19|No |Yes|Iowa|German|Illinois|none | | | | | | | |Warden, Marjorie J.|dau | |x |F|W|18|S| |Yes|Yes|Iowa|Iowa |Iowa |school| | | | |