Cecile Warden

Cecile Warden

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Photo Archive

Ida Ann Fattig
Cecile  Warden
Bertha  Warden
James  Warden
Jim and Ida Warden and their Girls

General Sources

  1. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Worth County, Missouri - June 21, 1900
    |hn |fn |Name              |rel     |r|s|birth    |age |m |y|n|l|birth   |father  |mother  |occu  |m|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h            |f# |twp
    |177|177|Warden, James W.  |Head    |w|m|Dec 1869 |30  |m |9| | |Missouri|Ohio    |Ohio    |Farmer|0|yes|yes|yes|0|F|Farm of house|173|Fletchall
    |   |   |Warden, Ida       |Wife    |w|f|July 1872|27  |m |9|3|3|Missouri|Virginia|Missouri|      | |yes|yes|yes| | |             |   |
    |   |   |Warden, Averill J.|Son     |w|m|May 1893 |7   |s | | | |Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|      | |   |   |   | | |             |   |
    |   |   |Warden, Bertha A. |Daughter|w|f|Aug 1896 |3   |s | | | |Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|      | |   |   |   | | |             |   |
    |   |   |Warden, Cecil     |Daughter|w|f|Sep 1899 |8/12|s | | | |Missouri|Missouri|Missouri|      | |   |   |   | | |             |   |
    |   |   |Warden, Ellender  |Mother  |w|f|Nov 1826 |73  |Wd| | | |Ohio    |Ohio    |Ohio    |      | |no |yes|yes| | |             |   |


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