Margaret Fuller Warden's Bible

Margaret Fuller Warden's Bible


Email from Lary Warden on December 17, 2006: Thought you would like to see Margret's bible. It really is hard to read every name. I have listed them the best I can. There are a total of twelve names listed .Beginning with John 7-17-1820 James 5-2-1821 Elizebeth 5-28-1824 Catherin 1-13-1826 Jane 11-3-1827 Daniel 2-10-1830 Susan 6-21-1833 George 7-12-1836 Isaac 8-12-1838 ( I think the clipping we sent you listed his birth as 1840 ) Harison 4-1-1845 Trissey 4-22-1841 and the last Nancy Ellin 1-27-1847.


Collection: Larry Warden's Collection


Created: 12/2/2007 10:08:43 PM