Mary Jane Fattig and Bertha

Mary Jane Fattig and Bertha

Mary Jane Warden Bertha May Gutzman
Cambridge, Nebraska
October, 1912


written on back: Dear Momma and brother. Wednesday we got your letter today, glad you got through ok. We are well. Bertha is fine. Mae and Jim stopped Monday and stayed all night. I went down home with them and got supper and breakfast for them. I am baking bread today again. They all seem to be getting along fine. Jim and them went home Tuesday morning. What do you think of the photo? Them of the Herfords and us kids was spoiled. Tell the Folks Hello for me. How is everybody? Will ring off answer soon as ever. Love Herman, Bertha. Postmarked Cambridge NEB October 23, 1912. 6PM addressed to Mrs. Charles H. Fattig, Grant City MO c/o Jim Warden.


Collection: Ethel Fattig's Collection - Fattig Family


Created: 11/26/00 7:29:59 PM