Find Ancestor

Finding Your Family in our Records

You may be able to use the search engine on the previous page to find a specific individual on our web site, but you can also try to identify your family by scanning through the list of Scottish, Irish or American families by clicking one of the buttons below.

There are about 11 McM families of primarily American origin, 38 families of Irish origin and 46 families of Scottish origin that can be traced back into the 1700s and 1800s without finding a common ancestor.

If you find your family through one of the buttons below, click on the entry to see if there is detailed information about your family on this site.

Click here for Scottish Family List 

Click here for Irish Family List 

Click here for American Family List 

or click here to see if there is a book printed about your family. Most books are not currently in print but are usually available through the Mormon Library System.

Also, a microfilm of most of the records in the MCFR is available through interlibrary loan through the Family History Centers of the Mormon Church. The original records for American families has been distributed to the Kentucky Historical Society, Somerset County New Jersey Historical Society, South Carolina Historical Society and the Huntingdon County (Pennsylvania) Historical Society.
