Jack Malone gave me a copy of his recipes   for his famous Tomato Wine. Keep in mind, this is not for children….


                        12 lb. Ripe sliced tomatoes.

                        12 lb. Sugar

                        2 oz. Cake of yeast

                        4 unpeeled oranges sliced thin

                        4 unpeeled lemons sliced thin

                        4 boxes dark seedless raisins

                        2 gal. Luke warm water


When all is prepared, mix all except the yeast in a 10 gal. Crock.  Set in a dark corner of the basement.  After thoroughly mixed, crumble yeast over the top.  Stir till dissolved.


Cover with cheese- cloth.  Lift the cheese cloth off every day and stir.  Within 4 or 5 days, the brew will stop fizzing when it is stirred.  It is ready for bottling.  Strain the brew through   muslin into gallon jugs and wait for the solid matter to settle.  Siphon off the clear wine into other bottles, jugs or jars.  Repeat the process if you wish the wine to be more clear.


Makes 5 gal. (more or less)