Trade Directories
White's History, Gazetteer & Directory for Ardleigh 1848
p.445 - p.446.
Ardleigh, a pleasant village on the Colchester and Manningtree road, 5 miles N.E. of the former, and 4 miles S.W. of the latter town, has a Station, with a large yard for coal, lime &c., on the Eastern Union Railway, near which an extensive steam corn-mill has recently been erected. About 3½ miles of this railway are in the parish of Ardleigh, which contains many scattered farm-houses, 1605 inhabitants, and 5045 acres of land. The soil is mostly fertile sandy loam, on gravel; and about 1½ mile W. of the church is Ardleigh Wic farm and the Crown Inn, near the sources of a rivulet which flows southward to the Colne. A fair for toys and pedlery, is held in the village on Sept. 29th. The parish has been variously spelt Ardlee, Erdelega, Hardley, &c., and belonged on six freemen in the Confessor's reign ; and at the Conquest, to four Normans. It is partly free and partly copyhold; and the following are the names and lords of the four manors, viz., Picotts, Edw. Reeve, Esq; Bovills, Wm. S. Lamb, Esq.; Martell's Hall, Lord Ashburton; and Mose Hall, belonging to the heirs of the late Mrs. Garland. A great part of the soil belongs to other proprietors, among whom Wm. Webb, J.W.E. Green, C.G. Round, Wm. Austin and T. Catchpool, Esqs., and Messrs. J. Eagle, T. Bromley, D. and S. Cooper, and J. Whitaker, are the principal. Badley Hall, an estate about a mile S.E. of the village, has been called a manor, and was formerly held by the Gilberd, Harris, and Lugar families. Ardleigh Park is the seat of J.P. Osborne, Esq. The Church (Virgin Mary) is a handsome structure, which was rebuilt some years ago, of brick and flint, with some stone dressings, on a smaller scale than the original fabric. The interior is neatly fitted up, and in the tower are six musical bells. In the reign of King Stephen, Robt. de Ramis gave the rectory and advowson to St. John's Abbey, Colchester, but the former was soon after given to the Archdeacon of Colchester. The vicarage, valued in K.B. at £11.0s.10d., and in 1831 at £ 262, is in the patronage of the Lord Chancellor, and incumbency of the Rev. Hy. Bishop, M.A., who has a good residence, and 7A.2B. 28P.of Glebe. The Rectory House, with 27A. of Glebe, and the great tithes, are held on lease, under the Archdeacon by Wm. Webb, Esq. The tithes have been commuted, the rectorial for £1360, and the vicarial for £325 per annum. A National School is about to be erected, and there is in the village a neat Wesleyan Chapel. The parish sends about twelve free scholars to Dedham Grammar School, and the poor have £2.10s. yearly from Love's Charity, as noticed with Aldham. Nathaniel Winder, a respectable old farmer in this parish, died in March, 1847, aged 96 years. Post Office, at the Lion Inn. Letters dispatched every evening, & received every morning, via Colchester mail cart.
Ackers, Hugh, police inspector
Bacon, Peter, brickmaker
Bishop Rev, Hy. M.A. vicar & dean
Brill John Dakin, station master
Byham Charles, broom maker
Carrington Mr. Benj.
Bryan J.
Fenn John Green, auctioneer and farmer, Rookery
Hawkins Jas., plumber, painter, &c.
Holditch Mr. James
James Samuel, hay trusser
Lamb & Fenn, coal, chalk, &c. merts
Lamb Wm. Sandford, Esq. Bovills Hall
Mayhew James, drill owner
Osborne Jno. Posford, Esq. Park (brewer, &c., in Colchester)
Pudney Geo. relieving officer & regr
Simson Edward, farrier
Southgate Joseph, parish clerk
Taylor Mrs. Mary
Webb Wm.. Esq., Rectory
Abbott Edw.
Abrey Samuel
Bacon Henry
Bedford John
Biggs James Bell
Bull John
Bromey John, Fenn Farm
Bromley Thomas, Mose Hall
Carrington Jonth.
Cole John
Cook Anthony
Cook Thomas
Cooper Daniel, Bounds
Cooper Samuel, Buck House
Cooper Thomas, Ardleigh Wic
Cooper Wm. Salmon
Dines John, The Grove
Dunningham Thomas
Eagle John, Esq., Badley Hall
Fenn John Green
Fenn James
Fitch John, Shaw's Farm
Francis Daniel and Isaac
Hellen Dixon
Hellen George
Keable Robt. Lufkin Heath
King James
Lamb W.S.
Lugar John Kelley, Martell's Hall
Lugar Robt. Wm. Park Farm
Mayhew James
Parker George
Smith John, Beet House
Smith Sarah, Slough Farm
Sorrell John, Burnt House
Strutt Wm.
Thompson John R, Picotts
Vince James
Vince John
Webb John
Went Thomas
Wolfe Thomas
Inns & Taverns
Crown, Elisha Badbrook
Fox and Hounds, John Whitaker (& wheelwright, timber merchant, &c.)
King's Head, Henry Bacon
Lion Inn, Mary Vince, Post Office
Carrington Mrs.
Jones Mrs. J.
Lambert Mrs.
Oxley Mrs. W.
Salmon Mrs. S.
Fenner Thomas
Luen J.R.
Merchant Rt. S.
Sadler Wm.
Symonds Thos.
White Wm.
Wincoll Spring (& drill owner)
Bond Thomas
Sargeant Wm.
Smith George
Whitaker John
Howbrough Hy.
James Wm.
Strutt Wm.
Boot & shoe makers
Bones John
Bull George
Bust Wm.
Norfolk Wm.
Southgate Joseph
Waller James
Biggs James B.
Everitt Wm.
Vince James
Barber James
Buck John C.
Ladbrook Elisha
Sargeant Samuel
Corn Millers
Mortimer John
Nickolls John Lot
Wakeling J.S.
Warren Zacharh, Phoenix Mill
Luen John Robt.
Orris Thomas
Boys Mrs., Heath
Creake John
James W. (and baker)
Sawyer Wm.
Taylor Thomas
White James
Francis Samuel
Ladbrook E.
Osborne Wm.
Whitaker John
Railway : Trains to London, Ipswich, &c. six times a-day. Carriers : Pass daily to Colchester, Harwich, &c.