Trade Directories
Kelly's Directory - Essex 1865
.......The church of St. Mary the Virgin consists of a nave, north and south aisles, and a very handsome tower. ........At Crockleford Heath, in this parish, is a school for boys and girls, supported by Lady Georgina Rebow.......
Ardleigh Crown is also a hamlet of Ardleigh on small brook falling into the Colne, and on the turnpike road from Colchester and Langham, 3 miles from Colchester.
Post Office - Mr. Benjamin Biggs, receiver. Letters arrive by mail cart from Colchester at 4.45 a.m.; dispatched at 8.05 p.m but letters cannot be posted after 8p.m. The nearest money order office is at Dedham. Letters for Crockleford Heath come through Elmstead.
Insurance Agents;-
Royal Exchange Fire & Life, Fenn, Cook & Fenn, Ardleigh Hall
Railway Station, Thomas Womack, station master.- Trains to London, Bury, Ipswich &c. at various times daily.
School - Chyme Wood, Crockleheath, Miss Susann Candler, Mistress
Parish Clerk, Joseph Southgate
Carriers to;-
Dedham-W.J. Page, to the Railway station, daily, arrives at 9 a.m. & leaves at 10.30 a.m
Manningtree, Harwich & Ipswich- Carriers for these places pass through here six times a week.
Private residents
Biggs Mrs.
Bull, Mrs.
Fenn George Green, The Rookery
Fenn James, esq.
Fenn John,. esq. Redberry farm
Fenn John, Green, esq. Ardleigh Hall
Nicholl Charrington, esq. Bovills Hall
Paterson Capt. Augustus, New Hall
Sparling, Mrs. Samuel Archer
Todd Rev. James, Vicarage
Abbott Edward, farmer
Abbott Edward, jun. seedsman & market Gardener
Abrey Samuel, farmer
Allen, John, Beer Retailer
Austin, William, Farmer
Baker Charles, farmer
Bacon John, farmer
Bacon Peter, Brickmaker
Barber James, carpenter & wheelwright
Barber James, Crown
Bedford, Sarah Jane (Mrs), farmer & prep. school
Biggs Benjamin, baker
Biggs James, farmer
Biggs James, jun. farmer
Bloomfield William, farmer
Bromley John, farmer
Bromley Thomas, farmer, Mose Hall
Buss William, boot & shoe maker
Carrington Jonathan, farmer
Catchpoole Thomas, farmer
Cook Anthony, farmer
Cooper Samuel, farmer, Lodge Farm
Curtis Philip, farmer, Crockleford Hill
Dunnagon, Thomas, farmer, Bromley Road
Dymes, John, farmer
Eagle John, farmer, Badley Hall
Everett William, pig dealer & farmer
Felgate William, farmer
Fenn & Cook, & Fenn. auctioneers, estate agents & surveyors, Ardleigh Hall
Fenn Geo. Green, farmer, Rookery farm
Fenn James, farmer
Fenn John, farmer, Redbury farm
Fenn John, grocer
Fitch, John, farmer Shaw's Farm
Francis Isaac, farmer, Colyer's Wood
Glamfield, John, Fox & Hounds & Wheelwright & Blacksmith
Gosling George, Blacksmith
Hawkins James, plumber & glazier
James Samuel, Poulterer
James William, brick maker & farmer
Keable Robert, farmer
Kerridge Shadrach, farmer, Hill farm
Ladbrooke Elisha, blacksmith & wheelwright
Lambert William, cattle dealer
Long William, beer retailer
Luen Eliza (Mrs.), King's Head, & collar & harness maker
Lugar James. farmer, Martin's Hall
Marchant Edward, thatcher
Mulley George, shopkeeper & bricklayer
Miller John, farmer & poulterer, Fountain farm
Orriss Thomas, harness maker
Osborne William, wheelwright
Oxley William, carter
Parker Thomas, farmer
Potts George, grocer & draper
Seaborn Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer
Seaborne Nathaniel, drillman
Sergeant William, blacksmith
Simpson Edward, Railway Tavern & veterinary surgeon
Smith George, blacksmith
Smith John, farmer
Smith Thomas, farmer, Park farm
Southgate William, boot & shoemaker
Vince James, farmer
Wakelin Jonathan Stebbing, Miller
Webb John, farmer, Bromley Road
Went Elizabeth, (Mrs.) grocer & farmer
White James, tailor
Winckle Spring, Wheatsheaf, Bromley Road
Woolf John (Mrs.), farmer
Youngs James, beer retailer