These pages are external links to the website. Each link will open another browser.
Ardleigh Family Trees
Arthy/Arthey Family tree - Arthey Name research.
Blatch Name by Claire
BLYTH Family History by Anna & Diana Pizzey
The Cropley Family Designed by Peter Cropley
Fenner/Denny family Thomas PEAKE's Fenner/Denny family tree.
Fran's Genealogy page Francis JOWERS (b, abt 1703)
Rookard family tree Descendants of Ernest Frederick ROOKARD
Sally Stone by Carole
Ardleigh in the past
Essex Police - Roll of Honour - Police Sergeant, John Harvey -Died 5th January 1894.
Footsteps - Essex Photographs - Reproductions of old photographs for sale (2 for Ardleigh).
Public Houses, Taverns & Inns of Ardleigh - Essex Pubs by Ian Hunter
Tendring Hundred and its parishes - by Roy Moore
Ardleigh Today
Ardleigh Doctors Surgery web site - Situated next to the old village hall.
Ardleigh Hall Leisure Club - Was Ardleigh Hall, now a health and leisure club.
Ardleigh Sailing Club - Based around Ardleigh Reservoir.
Bobby George - Darts Legend Bobby George's Website
BucBricks -Ardleigh Sands - Bucbricks is a sand suppling business in Ardleigh.
CMX - Computer company.
Peake Fruit Ltd - fruit packing and marketing company in Ardleigh.
Weblinks of interest
Essex Villages - Information of records and its villages in Essex.
Essex Pubs - Extensive website by Ian Hunter on Pubs around Essex.
Tendring County Council - Information on local districts.
1901 British Census - Online access to the 1901 British Census.
Public Record Office -National archives of England, Wales and the United Kingdom.
Family Records Office - Government records you need for your family history research.
1837online - Indexes of Bir, Marr and Deaths for England and Wales from 1837 to 2001.
Freebmd - Free online Civil Registration index information for England and Wales
Familysearch - Vast collection of records including the 1881 census by the LDS.
Rootsweb - Largest Genealogical site.
Essex Record Office - Essex archives search and information online.