Will Index
a list wills have been added due to Copyright right of the Public Record Office.
If you require more information, I have a copy of those individuals (in red),
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Thomas Beckey , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex -
Reverend Henry Bishop , Clerk, Vicar of Ardleigh , Essex -
John Bond ,
Elizabeth Borthwick , Widow of Ardleigh , Essex -
Robert Bradstreet , Yeoman of Ardleigh , Essex -
Thomas Bruse, Husbandman of Ardleigh, Essex -
Mary Coleer , Spinster of Ardleigh , Essex -
Simeon Collier or Coleer, Farmer of Ardleigh, Essex -
Daniel Cooper, Farmer of Ardleigh, Essex -
Thomas Cooper , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex -
Thomas Cooper , Gentleman of Ardleigh , Essex -
Hannah Creffeild, Widow of Ardleigh, Essex -
Ralph Creffield or Creffeild of Ardleigh, Essex -
Sir Ralph Creffeild of Ardleigh, Essex -
Jonathan Draper, Farmer of Ardleigh, Essex -
Jonathan Draper , Jobber of Ardleigh , Essex-
Grekiel Dunton, Broad Weaver of Ardley, Essex -
William Edwick , Yeoman of Ardleigh , Essex -
James Fenn , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex -
James Fenn , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex -
William Foxlow of Ardleigh , Essex -
Robert Freeman , Gentleman of Ardleigh , Essex -
William Harris , Coachman of Ardleigh , Essex -
William Head, Yeoman of Ardleigh, Essex -
Nathaniel Heckford, Yeoman of Ardleigh, Essex -
Reverend Lawrence Jackson , Batchelor of Divinity, Vicar of Ardley
and Rector of Great Wigborrow in the
Robert Jakes of Ardleigh, Essex -
Robert King, Butcher of Ardleigh, Essex -
Mayles Lakin, Gentleman of Ardleigh, Essex -
Mark Lambe of Ardleigh , Essex -
Francis Lugar , Gentleman of Ardleigh , Essex -
Reverend Marshall otherwise Marshell Lugar , Clerk of Ardleigh ,
Essex -
William Lugar , Gentleman of Ardleigh , Essex - 03 March 1752
William Lugar , Gentleman of Ardleigh , Essex - 18 December 1778
William Lugar of Ardleigh , Essex - 30 October 1798
Thomas Luskyn or Luskin, Gentleman of Ardleigh, Essex - 19
January 1599
Anne Mannock, Widow of Ardleigh, Essex - 12 Jun 1649
Lott Peer or Peere of Ardleigh, Essex - 27 May 1652
William Pond, Yeoman of Ardleigh, Essex - 12 September 1638
(Sentence of) William Pond of Ardleigh, Essex - 16 February 1639
Mary Rowles , Spinster of Ardleigh , Essex - 23 June 1808
George Smith , Yeoman of Ardleigh , Essex - 30 March 1824
Richard Smith, Yeoman of Ardleigh, Essex - 30 July 1653
Robert Smith , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex - 19 December 1843
Robert Stevens of Ardleigh - 19 August 1667
Woodhouse Wrench, clothier of Ardleigh, Essex - 27 February 1649
Gregory Yeman, singleman of Ardleigh, Essex - 27 January 1582
John Youngs , Farmer of Ardleigh , Essex - 26 May 1784
Taken from the Book 'Elizabethan Life - The wills of Merchants'
STEEVEN Thomas Ardleigh, son of John S, tenement after death of
mother - page 15
1586 STEEVEN John Ardleigh clothier, will - page 153
STEEVEN Anne Ardleigh, daughter of John Steeven, will - page 153
STEEVEN Anne Ardleigh, will of John Steeven, house "Cock"
amp; rest of goods, - page 153
STEEVEN John Ardleigh, son of John S, house "Cock" after
death of Anne - page 153
STEEVEN Alice Ardleigh, daughter of John Steeven, will - page 153
WENT James Ardleigh, son-in-law of John Steeven - widower - page 153
HECKEFORD Heckeford Ardleigh, supervisor of will of Jn Steeven -
page 154
· 1586 LYDE Lawrence Ardleigh vicar, witnessed will of John Steeven - page 154
Feet of Fines
Vol. 2 Edward II
- No. 279.
At Colchester
Edmund Vigerus and Agnes his wife, pl.
Maurice de Donilaund and Avelina his wife, impediments.
'1 messuage, 12 acres of land, 2½ acres of wood in Ardeleye. Plea
of warranty of charter. Pl. to hold to these and heirs of Edmund from
impediments and heirs of Avelina by the yearly rent of one rose at the Nat. of
St. J.B., doing other services to the cief lords. Cons. 1 sore sparrowhawk.'
1310-1311 - No. 189.
Robert de Teye and William his son, pl.
Simon de Grafton and Agnes his wife, def.
'1 messuage, 33 acres of land, 3 acres of pasture. 3 acres of wood
and 8d. rent in Ardelegh. pl. and the heirs of Robert to hold of the chief
lords. Cons., 20l. sterling.'
1317-1318 - No. 703.
John Martel and Alice daughter of Benedict de Cokefeld, pl.
Ranulph de Cokefeld, def.
The manor of Ardeleye by Colchester.
'John acknowledged the manor to be right of def. as that which def.
has of his gift, and for this def. granted it to pl. and the heirs of John of
the body of Alice to hold of the chiefs lords, with remainder to the right heirs
of John.'
1320-1321 - No. 835.
William de Teye, pl.
Robert de Teye and Anne his wife, def.
'1 messuage, 3 mills, 240 acres of land, 50 acres of wood, 8 acres
of meadow, 10 acres of alder and 8s. rent in Ardleye. Pl. acknowledges the
tenements to be the right of Robert and for this def. granted them to him and
the heirs of his body to hold odf def. and the heirs of Robert, rendering yearly
1 rose at the Nat. of St. J.B. and doing to the chief lords all services, with
reversion to def. and the heirs of Rubert.'
1323-1324 - No. 962.
William son of William Gernoun and John son of William de Bottyngham,
Agnes de Bloy and Adam de Bloy, def.
'1 messuage 160 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, 16 acres of wood,
6 acres of pasture, 30 acres of heath, 12 acres of alder and 21s. 9½d. rent in
Coppeford, Great Briche, Little Briche, Staneweye, Esttorpe and Ardelegh.
William acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Adam, and for this def.
granted them to pl. and the heirs of William to hold of the chief lords.'
1324-1325 - No. 990.
Simon de Elmsteade, pl.
John de Badele of Ardleye and William Adam of Wevenho, chaplain,
'1 messuage, 1 mill, 100 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres
of wood and 4s. 3d. rent in Great Bromleye. Pl. acknowledged the tenements to be
the right of John, as those which def. have of his gift and for this def.
granted them to pl. to hold for life of the chief lords, with successive
remainders to Thomas his son and Margery his wife and the heirs of their bodies,
Margery sister of Thomas and the heirs of her body, and the right heirs of pl.'
1326 - No. 1119.
John Brounsak of Manitre and Maud his wife, def? (probably pl.).
John Martel of Ardeleye and Alice his wife, def.
'1 messauge in Misteleye. Pl. and the heirs of John to hold of the
chief lords. CVons. 100s. of silver.'
1326 - No. 1120.
John le Munt of Ardlegh and Maud his wife, pl.
William Bounde of Ardlegh, def.
'1 messuage, 80 acres of land, 2 acres of pasture, 12 acres of wood
and 30 acres of heath in Ardlegh and Great Bromlegh. John acknowledged the
tenements to be the right of def. as those which def. has of his gift, and for
this def. granted them to the pl. and the heirs of their bodies to hold of the
chief lords, with successive remainders to John son of John and Matthew his
brother and the heirs of their bodies and the right heirs of Maud.'
3 - Edward
1327 - No. 22.
William de Valence of Bromlegh and Joan his wife, pl.
William Bounde of Ardelegh, def.
'1 messuage, 60 acres of land, 5 acres of wood an 12 acres of heath
in Little Bromlegh. Pl. and the heirs of their bodies to hold of the chief
lords, with remainder to the right heirs of William de Valence.'
1343 - No. 651.
John de Burnham and his wife, pl. by William Cokeral in her place.
John de Kyrketon and William Sayer of Great Briche, def.
'9 messuages, 450 acres of land, 18 acres of meadow, 72 acres of
wood, 8 acres of marsh, 70 acres of heath and 21s. 8d. rent in Chicche Rydel,
Wylegh, Ardelegh, Great Bromlegh, Frynton, Great Claketon, Little Claketon,
Kyrkeby and Great Oclee. Pl. and heirs og their bodies to hold 6 messuages, 320
acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 42 acres of wood, the marsh, 42 acres of
heath and 13s.8d. rent of the chief lords, and also the remainder of 3 messuages,
130 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 30 acres of wood, 28 acres of heath and
8s. rent which Geoffrey de Ruyly and Eleanor his wife hold in dower, with
remainder to the right heirs of John de Burnham.'
1347 - No. 812.
John Martel of Ardleye, pl.
John de Bromleye and John Brounsak, def.
'15 messuages, 3 tofts, 80 acres of meadow, 120 acres of marsh, 2½
weirs, 3s. 4d. rent and three parts of 1 messuage in Dovercourt, Herewych,
Fulton and Rameseye. Pl. to hold for his life of the chief lords the said
messuages, tofts, weirs and rent and two parts of the land, meadow, marsh and
three parts, and also the remainder of the third part of land, etc., which
William Frank holds his life; with succesive remainders to Walter his son and
Richard his brother of the latter and the heirs of their bodies and the right
heirs of pl.'
1348 - No. 885.
Robert son of Gilbert de Dedham and Alice his wife, pl. by Gilbert
de Debenham in her place.
Nicholas Bonde and John Seman, def.
'1 messuage, 110 acres of land, 9 acres of meadow, 20 acres of
pasture, 8 acres of wood, 10 acres of alder and 20s. rent in Dedham, Mistelegh,
Ardelegh, Lalford, Bradefield and Stratford by Heyham. Pl. to hold for their
lives of def. and the heirs of Nicholas, rendering, rendering 1 rose, etc., with
reversion to def. and the heirs of Nicholas.'
1373 - No. 1722.
John atte Melle and Cecily his wife, pl.
William Ferrour of Lalleford and Maud his wife, def.
'2 messuages, 16 acres of land and 2 acres of wood in Ardeleye,
which Roger Reyner and Joan his wife hold for her life. Pl. and the heirs of
John to hold the remainder of the chief lords. Con. 100 marks.'
1376 - No. 1826.
William Penne and Agns his wife, pl. by Thomas Fraunceys.
John Moveroun and Beatrice his wife, def.
'1 messuage, 76 acres of land, 46 acres of wood, 40 acres of alder
and 10s. rent in Ardelegh and Elmsteade. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and heirs of
William. Cons. 100 marks.'
Vol. 3 Henry IV
- No. 127.
John Brook of Dedham, Thomas Roolf and John Sutton of London,
draper, pl. by Adam Maylond in place of John Sutton.
Ralph Water of Chelmersford and Cristina his wife, def.
'1 toft, 40 acres of land, 1 acres of meadow, 18 acres of wood and
22d. rent in Ardeley and Dedham and 2 marks rent from a messuage in Chlmersford.
Def. quitclaimed the former to pl. and the heirs of John Brook, and granted to
them the 2 marks rent, in moieities at Easter and Michaelmas, with power of
distraint. Cons. 100 marks.'
- No. 162.
John Brook of Dedham, Henry Dalby, clerk, and John Hunte atte Merssh,
Richard atte Hame of Ardelegh and Joan his wife, def.
'1 messuage, 12 acres of land and 12 acres of wood in Ardelegh. Def.
quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of John Brook. Cons. 20 marks.'
Walter Whytyng of Lalleford and Agnes his wife, Thomas Hunte and
John Bakere of Ardelegh, pl.
Thomas Mot of Tendryng and Agnes his wife, def.
'1 messuage in Ardelegh. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of
Walter. Cons. 20 marks.'
Key: Pl. - Plaintiff Def. - Defendant.