The Hearn Family History

1689 Address of Loyalty from Somerset County Inhabitants to William and Mary

    Address of the Inhabitants of the County of Somersett.
    Nover the 28th 1689.

    To the King and Queen most Ext Majty.

    Wee your Majesty's Subjects in the Somersett and Province of
    Maryland, being refreshed and Encouraged by your Majestys great and
    prosperous undertakings, and by your late gracious letter to these of this
    Province, do cast ourselves at your Majesty's feet humbly desiring and
    hopefully expecting the continuance of your Maj care of us, as our Case
    and Circumstances doe or may require, in the confidence whereof wee resolve
    to continue (by the grace of God) in the Profession and defence of the
    Protestant Religion and your Majesty's Title and interest against the
    French and other Papists that oppose and trouble us in soe just and good a
    cause not doubting but your Majestys wisdom and clemency will afford unto
    us all needful suitable Aid and Protection for securing our Religion, lives
    and liberty under Protestant Governors and Government, and for enabling us
    to defend ourselves against all Invaders. Thus praying for your Majestys
    long and happy Reigne over us, Wee know ourselves to bee (with due Reverence
    and sincerity.)
    Your Majestys Loyall Obedient and humble Subjects
    (240 signatures)
    This is a true Copy taken from the Original
    Examined and signed by the Order of the Respective Persons above named.

    Peter Dent dpty Collr of his Majestys Customes in the County of Somersett.

    Maryland 1689.
    Address of the Inhabitants of the County of Somersett to their Majties.
    Recd. from my Lord Shrewsbury, 7th Febry. 1689.

    This Loyalty oath was signed by 240 inhabitants of Somerset Co. Md. including
    William Hearne and Thomas Newbold. Thomas Newbold was the father of Sarah Newbold,
    the eventual wife of William Hearnes youngest son, Thomas.


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    E-mail James Hearn, designer
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