of Hobler
The actual definition of Hobler is
To date no firm details are available however the
following information may provide some insight.
In German a hobler is a shape cutting machine. Some say it was the name given to one who worked a hobeln (a type of cabbage cutter). The hobler shredded the vegetable by forcing it into a wooden frame while gliding a hoble (blade) back and forth. In English a Hobbler usually means one who limps (or hobbles). According to the Webster Unabridged Dictionary, a hobbler (hobeler or hobelier) is "one who by his tenure was to maintain a horse for military service; a kind of light horseman in the Middle Ages who was mounted on a hobby" (hobby being a horse).
In English a hob is a flat heating surface; a metal shelf at the side of a fireplace; the shoe of a sledge; or a game peg. A hob is also a corrupt form of Robin or Robert, sometimes used to described a country lout or rustic appearance. A hub is a variation of hob meaning nave of a wheel or a centre of interest. While Oublier in French simply means to forget!
To date little is known about the history of the name. The first Hobler documented in England was from Yorkshire and dates as early as the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Known as the Anglo-Saxon Hoblers the family had a coat of arms featuring a blue shield with six gold acorns and three red roses.
Swiss data from the 1500s suggest that the Hoblers may have been Huguenots who fled to Switzerland following religious persecution. Early records show that the name was fairly common in the form of Hubler and Hobler at Twann and in nearby towns in the Canton of Bern. According to John W McCoy, several families were located along the north shore of Lac Léman as early as 1639 and there were isolated mentions at Lausanne (1664, family of Jean Pierre Obeler and Matthie Richard), and at Aubonne (1729-1733, family of Jean Pierre Oubeler and Gabrielle Court from Twann).
The Hobler/Hubler name also features in the early records of France and Germany. The English Hublers were said to be Teutonic in origin, having first appeared in the ancient medieval records of Bavaria. They too had a coat of arms featuring a blue shield and the golden head of an eagle.
Site administration is also keen to lay its hands on extracts from Herbert W. Hobler's book
Hobler. Preliminary Collection of Data and Histories on the Surname of Hobler (also Hoebler, Hobeler, Hoblar)
which was published by the Higginson Book Company in both soft and hard format.