Nahausen Families - Cake Recipes
Cakes and Desserts

cook stove

Family recipes submitted by descendants of Nahausen families

From Erika Fellwock Schulze
[Translation in brackets]
500 g Mohn [1.1 lb. Poppy seed]
250 g Rosinen [9 oz. Raisins]
6 - 8 Esslöffel Zucker [sugar] (big spoon, but everyone can make it as sweet as he wants, I take fewer)
200 g Mandeln [7 oz. Almonds] (z.T. geschnippelt, z.T. gemahlen [part of it cut with a knife, part of it ground]
12 - 15 Brötchen [12-15 bread rolls] (I take the German ones, they are "drier" than the American ones for Hamburger)
2 l. heiße Milch [8.5 cups hot milk]

Der Mohn wird gemahlen und mit der heißen Milch übergossen. Die Brötchen werden in Quadrate
(etwa 1 cm Kantenlänge) geschnitten und zusammen mit Rosinen, Zucker und den Mandeln untergerührt.

[The poppy seeds are ground and then the hot milk is poured over them. The rolls are cut
into cubes (about 1 cm), then stirred in, together with raisins, sugar and the chopped almonds.]

It is a Dessert, I usually make it one or two days before New Year, my parents used to eat it Silvester [New Year's Eve]
and New Year as Dessert, but my father Martin Fellwock loved to eat it and took it inbetween the whole day.


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