
Appendix E. Glossary of Terms.

Age of the Universe t0

Radioactive isotope studies yield ages of at least nine to sixteen billion years for our Galaxy, and the ages of the oldest star clusters put the limit at about 14 billion years.

The Universe is about 13.9 billion years (-1.4 to +1.7 billion years).
Source: University of Chicago, "Long Distance Discovery", Sky and Space June/July 2000 pp 26-27

We can use the Hubble's Constant to estimate the age of the universe.
If H0 = 100 km/sec/Mpc, an estimate of the age of the universe is:
to = d/v
to = d/( Ho . d ) = 1/ Ho
For H0 = 50 then t0 is 20 x 109 years
For H0 = 75 then t0 is 13 x 109 years
For H0 = 100 then t0 is 1010 years (10 billion years)

"Evolution of the Galaxies" [Date accessed 11 Apr 2000]

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Date Created 1 June 2000
Last Updated 11 June 2000