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(Virginia Military Institute) noticed a Henry Winston Cox for
the class of 1855. I knew that name rang a bell and after a
quick e-mail request, they were very accommodating, sent me his
information and in his info is this copy of a page of a book,
"Hist. of Va. (1924) Vol. 5, p 101" and is says the following:
The Cox Family came from Ireland to Virginia, William Cox having
come over in 1610 in the ship Godspeed, settling first in
Elizabeth City County. The great-great-grandfather of Henry
Winston Cox was from the portion of Henrico County, which is now
Chesterfield, and was a descendant of that John Cox who was a
planter at Harrahaddox, Henrico County, Virginia, and who died
in 1696. Henry Cox's wife bore the given name of Judith. The
great-grandfather of Henry Winston Cox, Captain Henry Cox, was
born May 3, 1737, in Henrico County, now Chesterfield County,
VA., was a planter by vocation, owning lands in Chesterfield and
Dinwiddie counties, served as a private a portion of the time in
the Regular Army during the Rev. War, and, later, became captain
of a militia company, taking part in the battle of Guilford
Court-House. He died Aug. 8, 1817, in Chesterfield County. He
married Elizabeth Chappell, of Amelia County, VA. July 31,
1775. She was born in Amelia County, March 23, 1750, and died
in Chesterfield County, April 19, 1825. She was a daughter of
James and Susannah (Hudson) Chappell.
The grandfather of Henry Winston Cox, Captain Henry Cox was born
in Chesterfield County, VA. March 23, 1778, and died at
Sappony, that county, Jan. 4, 1856. He spent his life at Clover
hill and Sappony, in which neighbourhoods he was an extensive
planter, and served as a captain during the War of 1812. On
Nov. 21, 1805, he married Mary Traylor, daughter of Archer and
Judith (Markham) Traylor, the later of whom was the daughter of
John Markham and Catherine (Matthews) Markham, of Chesterfield
County. His wife, Catherine Matthews, was a daughter of one of
the governors of the colony of New York, to which John Markham
first came in 1720 from England. Archer Traylor was a
descendant of George Archer, an old settler in the colony of
Virginia. It continues on with more information on Henry
Winston Cox's father, Judge James Henry and siblings..
Annette E Wetzel
To: [email protected]
The recent posts about Dale Parish caused me to look at Rev. A.
B. Tizzard's "Dale Parish Register. Among the funeral services
he preached, he listed the following:
Cox, Joseph E., Dr. buried Jan 20, 1857; of Petersburg; at his
plantation in Chesterfield; victim of snowstorm, Jan 18, 1857
Traylor, Robert A., Mr. buried Jan 30, 1857; of Petersburg; at
the residence of Dr. R. P. Grymes in Chesterfield; victim of
snowstorm, Jan, 18 1857.
Quoting from "Chesterfield County Early Architecture and
Historic Sites," by Jeff O'Dell, pub. by County of Chesterfield,
VA, c. 1983, page 213:
"In January, 1857, during one of the greatest recorded
snowstorms in Virginia history - thereafter referred to as
"Cox's Snow" - Dr. Edwin Cox, former mayor of Petersburg and
brother of Judge James H. Cox, froze to death at the entrance to
Clover Hill. Accompanied by Archer Traylor, a young kinsman, Cox
was stranded in the snow while returning to his home plantation
north of Clover Hill after calling on a patient in Petersburg.
At the gate to Clover Hill, both men were overcome by the cold.
According to Kate Cox Logan: 'The next morning...at the gate to
the lane leading to the residence of Judge James H. Cox, seven
hundred yards from the house, were discovered covered by a
snowdrift, the frozen body of Dr. Cox; the horse frozen to
death; the buggy in which Dr. Cox had been driving and in it the
unconscious form of Mr. Traylor. Though alive when found, he
never regained consciousness, and died at Judge Cox's residence.
Eight mules were required to break a path to carry the notice of
the death of Dr. Cox to Petersburg, and although the start was
made in the morning early, it was late in the afternoon before
the news reached there.'"
[Note: Clover Hill was the plantation of Judge James H. Cox
(1810-1877), on which coal reserves were discovered in 1837, and
is located in the Winterpock area of Chesterfield County, VA.
Judge Cox was the son of Henry Cox (1777-1856), who lived at
Sappony, a plantation about five miles west of Clover Hill. Kate
Cox was the daughter of Judge Cox. After the War Between the
States, Kate Cox married Gen. Thomas M. Logan of South Carolina.
She kept a diary which was edited and published in the 1930's by
her daughter, Lilly Logan as "My Confederate Girlhood."] Hope
this helps! Annette Elam Wetzel
Coxes Meeting House located a few miles northwest of where the
Bethlehem Baptist Church is now located on Midlothian Turnpike.
Meetings were conducted there as early as May, 1789. Land for
the church was purchased from John Cox for two shillings. An
abandoned cemetery still marks the location of the Meeting
House. (There is good historical information on the Baptist
churches of Chesterfield Co. VA at
In May 1813, Higgason and Elizabeth Cox sold an acre of their
land on Courthouse Road for $6.00 to erect a new church named
the Bethlehem Meeting House which was used until 1897. Trustees
of the church in 1813 were Daniel Trabue, George Hancock, Peter
M. Cary (who was married to Higgason's sister, Rhoda) and
Matthew Winfree. Witnesses to the deed were Benjamin Watkins,
John Ferguson, Henry Burton and Green Hancock. The church later
moved to its present location on Midlothian Turnpike. Jerry
McClure [email protected]
Virginia County Records, VI Caroline County Marriage Bonds.
(Contributed by Dr. Jos. Lyon Miller.) Marriage Date: 05 Mar
1788 Spouse: John Cox Spouse: Patty Bush.
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Mother: ELIZABETH ARCHER of Tanworth |
_WILLIAM HEREFORD Lord of Sufton_+ | (1477 - 1545) m 1506 _ROGER HEREFORD Esq. of Sufton____| | (1507 - 1561) m 1545 | | |_CATHERINE HARRY of Poston_______+ | (1480 - 1551) m 1506 _JOHN HEREFORD of Sufton______| | (1558 - 1614) m 1593 | | | _ STURMEY _______________________ | | | (1493 - ....) | |_MARGARET STURMEY ________________| | (1519 - ....) m 1545 | | |_JOAN WHITE _____________________+ | (1490 - ....) | |--MARGARET HEREFORD | (1610 - ....) | _RICHARD ARCHER of Tanworth______+ | | (1506 - 1544) m 1524 | _HUMPHREY ARCHER Esq. of Tanworth_| | | (1526 - 1562) m 1551 | | | |_MATILDA (Maud) de LAMARE _______ | | (1510 - 1558) m 1524 |_ELIZABETH ARCHER of Tanworth_| (1560 - 1641) m 1593 | | _________________________________ | | |_ANNE (Alice) TOWNSHEND __________| (1529 - ....) m 1551 | |_________________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth CLARK |
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _William RHEA Sr.____| | (.... - 1802) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Robert RHEA | (1759 - 1834) | __ | | | _James CLARK ________| | | (.... - 1774) | | | |__ | | |_Elizabeth CLARK ____| (.... - 1804) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
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Mother: Sarah Catherine HEMBREE |
_George RUCKER Sr.___+ | (1729 - 1815) m 1780 _Simeon Bluford RUCKER _| | (1798 - 1881) | | |_Catherine EHART ____+ | (1760 - 1835) m 1780 _John RUCKER C.S.A._______| | (1842 - 1918) m 1868 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Jane BARNWELL _________| | (1801 - 1879) | | |_____________________ | | |--Julia Edna RUCKER | (1868 - 1905) | _____________________ | | | ________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Sarah Catherine HEMBREE _| (1844 - 1898) m 1868 | | _____________________ | | |________________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Isabella Theodosa VIA |
_Dillard SANDIDGE ________+ | (1774 - 1850) m 1797 _Nathan H. SANDIDGE _| | (1809 - 1898) m 1833| | |_Hannah EPPERSON _________+ | (1780 - 1850) m 1797 _George Martin SANDIDGE _| | (1842 - 1895) m 1865 | | | _John GARDNER ____________ | | | (1780 - ....) | |_Jane H. GARDNER ____| | (1809 - 1894) m 1833| | |_Anna EPPERSON? __________ | (1780 - ....) | |--Gracie R. SANDIDGE | (1870 - ....) | __________________________ | | | _Thomas Craig VIA ___| | | (1820 - ....) | | | |__________________________ | | |_Isabella Theodosa VIA __| (1845 - 1941) m 1865 | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BISHOP _ | | |_Mary BISHOP ________| (1820 - ....) | |__________________________
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