Mother: Elizabeth |
of spotted fever
[Cov. Rec.]
_Arthur AYLESWORTH AYLWORTH Sr. "the Immigrant"_+ | (1650 - ....) _Arthur AYLESWORTH Jr._| | (1683 - 1761) m 1704 | | |_Mary BROWNE ___________________________________+ | (1666 - 1725) _Philip AYLESWORTH __| | (1710 - 1789) | | | ________________________________________________ | | | | |_Mary FRANKLIN ________| | (1684 - 1761) m 1704 | | |________________________________________________ | | |--Sarah AYLESWORTH | (1746 - 1803) | ________________________________________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |________________________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth___________| (1714 - ....) | | ________________________________________________ | | |_______________________| | |________________________________________________
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Mother: Mary CAVE |
Richard Echols and John Burton were the first sheriffs of Amelia
County when it was formed in 1735. On 8 August 1735, Richard
recorded his livestock mark with the Amelia County Court. His
was “crop each ear, overkeel in right and underkeel in left.”
Marks helped identify free-roaming cattle and hogs.
Richard was involved in many land transactions during his
lifetime. In 1734 he secured a patent to 397 acres on the south
side of the Appomattox River in Prince George County. This land
was in Amelia County when it was cut off from Prince George. On
15 October 1741, Richard obtained a patent to 1,600 acres on
the north side of the Great Nottoway River. He sold half to
Anthony Griffin of King and Queen in 1741 who secured a patent
in his own name in 1741. The other half he sold for £80 to
William Austin of Hanover County on 18 March 1742/3. This same
day Echols purchased from Austin 634 acres for the same
consideration. This latter tract spanned Austin’s patents of
He was a witness to the will of Joseph Grainger in 1736 and
helped appraise the estate of William Hendrick in Amelia County
in 1739.
Beginning around 1746, Richard began to dispose of his Amelia
County land in anticipation of moving to Lunenburg (now Halifax)
County. Echols sold the Austin purchase in three parcels: a
296-acre portion to Samuel Bentley in 1746, a 200-acre portion
to Joseph Hubbard in February 1749/50 , and a 198-acre tract to
Rice Williams in February 1749/50. Nicholas Gillintine, John
Chisum, and Matthew Hillsman witnessed the Hubbard deed. Richard
let go the 397-acre patent of 1734 to John Kendall in August
1748. Echols’s name disappeared from the Amelia County tax
rolls after 1748.
In 23 February 1746/7 Richard Echols “of Amelia County” bought
274 acres in Lunenburg (now Halifax) County from the estate of
William Byrd. He secured patents to 221 acres on the south side
of the Banister River on 25 June 1747 and 532 acres on both
sides of the Banister River in 1748.
Witnesses to the deed were While Richard lived in Lunenburg
County, he acquired about 3,000 acres in Lunenburg and, later,
Halifax Counties.
Richard was a member of the Vestry of Antrim Parish of Halifax
County beginning 16 July 1752. This was right after Halifax
County was formed. He resigned on 20 May 1754, “being in a low
state of health so that I cannot attend the Vestry.” He was
living in the household of his son Moses in Lunenburg County in
1749 and 1751.
A deed of 1762 calls Richard “of Halifax and Parish of Antrim.”
He had previously been granted about 2,200 acres of land: 180
acres in 1751, 650 acres in 1755, 400 acres in 1753, and 950
acres in 1761. He continued to trade land in Halifax until 1778
when he was Richard Echols of “County of Pittsylvania.” On 15
January 1778, Richard sold Robert Chappell of Amelia County 424
acres originally granted Hugh Curren on 17 August 1761. Richard
Echols, who was born about 1706, died after 1766."
__ | __| | | | |__ | _John ECHOLS ________| | (1660 - 1712) m 1688| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Richard ECHOLS | (1706 - 1766) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Mary CAVE __________| (1670 - 1712) m 1688| | __ | | |__| | |__
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The Kenner Family History, compiled by Lois Colleen Hindman
CURRY DESCENDANTS by Judge Noble K. Littell pp24 ref#852.
CURRY DESCENDANTS by Judge Noble K. Littell pp27 ref#1704.
The Wickenkamp-Thorn(e) Connection by Floyd W. Wickenkamp.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Richard KENNER "the Immigrant"_| | (1600 - 1648) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Richard KENNER | (1637 - 1692) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Father: William Jefferson MORGAN Mother: Laura Elizabeth MORGAN |
_David MORGAN _______+ | (1780 - 1836) m 1806 _William Pierce MORGAN ______| | (1826 - ....) m 1841 | | |_Mary ANDREWS _______+ | (.... - 1868) m 1806 _William Jefferson MORGAN _| | (1856 - 1942) | | | _Nathan SANDERS _____+ | | | (1792 - 1856) m 1810 | |_Angeline Cassandra SANDERS _| | (1824 - ....) m 1841 | | |_Cynthia BENNETT ____ | (1795 - 1879) m 1810 | |--Louanna MORGAN | (1891 - ....) | _David MORGAN _______+ | | (1780 - 1836) m 1806 | _Benjamin J. MORGAN _________| | | (1812 - 1880) m 1836 | | | |_Mary ANDREWS _______+ | | (.... - 1868) m 1806 |_Laura Elizabeth MORGAN ___| (1856 - ....) | | _Nelson PAYNE _______ | | (1800 - 1860) |_Louisa Carr PAYNE __________| (1821 - 1870) m 1836 | |_Mary Carr MORGAN ___+ (1800 - 1840)
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Mother: Mary PENN |
____________________________________ | _James PRITCHETT I___| | (1719 - 1796) m 1745| | |____________________________________ | _John PRITCHETT II___| | (1747 - 1798) m 1766| | | _Philemon HAWKINS "the Immigrant" I_+ | | | (1690 - 1725) m 1714 | |_Ann HAWKINS ________| | (1723 - ....) m 1745| | |_Ann Eleanor HOWARD ________________ | (1695 - 1742) m 1714 | |--John PRITCHETT III | (1770 - ....) | _John PENN I________________________+ | | (1650 - ....) m 1685 | _John PENN II________| | | (1710 - 1771) | | | |_Lucy GRANVILLE? ___________________+ | | (1660 - 1741) m 1685 |_Mary PENN __________| (1747 - 1800) m 1766| | ____________________________________ | | |_Mary CHEW? _________| (1720 - ....) | |____________________________________
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