I33640: James ARNETT (ABT 1740 - ____)

My Southern Family


ABT 1740 - ____

ID Number: I33640

  • RESIDENCE: Louisa Co. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1740
  • RESOURCES: See: [S861]

Family 1 : Susannah MCGEHEE
  1.  Sally ARNETT




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Whitmal FAVER

ABT 1830 - ____

ID Number: I3571

  • BIRTH: ABT 1830
  • RESOURCES: See: [S153]
Father: Henry FAVER
Mother: Caroline BONNER

                      |                       |
                      |                       |_____________________
 _Henry FAVER ________|
| (1800 - ....) m 1828|
|                     |                        _____________________
|                     |                       |                     
|                     |_______________________|
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|                                             |_____________________
|--Whitmal FAVER 
|  (1830 - ....)
|                                              _Thomas BONNER ______+
|                                             | (1744 - 1804) m 1767
|                      _Whitmal BONNER _______|
|                     | (1775 - 1821)         |
|                     |                       |_Margaret JONES _____+
|                     |                         (1750 - 1804) m 1767
|_Caroline BONNER ____|
  (1810 - ....) m 1828|
                      |                        _____________________
                      |                       |                     
                      |_Alice (Allie) SELMAN _|
                        (1779 - ....)         |




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

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Isham HODGES Sr.

ABT 1750 - 1798

ID Number: I23469

  • OCCUPATION: Rev War - Capt. Wise's Co. Of Rangers SC 1775
  • RESIDENCE: VA/NC & Cheraw Dist & Marlboro Co. SC
  • BIRTH: ABT 1750, VA or Long Bluff, SC
  • DEATH: 1798, Marlboro Co SC
  • RESOURCES: See: Possible Brother of our John -notes [S484] [S800] [S992] [S1036] [S1309] [S1632]
Father: John HODGES I
Mother: Rebecca

Family 1 : Mary
  1.  Joab HODGES
  2.  Mark HODGES
  3. +Edmond (Edmund) HODGES Sr.
  4. +John HODGES
  5. +Isham HODGES Jr.
  6. +Henry G. HODGES


Speculating on Isham and his family. Aka: Isam?, Isom? Francis Marion's Men: Isom Hodges N 463.

Isham Hodge on 1779 Jury List for Cheraws District SC. There is an auditor's account for pay issued jointly to Isham and Joseph Hodges. Isham Hodges collected pay due John Hodges, because in the pension application of John Hodges of Abbeville, he describes how when he went to obtain his back pay, he found that a man named Isham Hodges had produced a power of attorney from John Hodges and collected all the pay. Abbeville John protested that he did not even know any Isham Hodges, much less authorize him to collect his pay.

John Hodges of Abbeville, SC Pension W10117 stated, he never received money owed him by the state and was informed that ISHAM HODGES drew it, showing a paper authorizing him to do so, but this John of Abbeville says he never gave any such permission. (Isham was intending to draw pay of our John Hodges of Long Bluff, SC, this proves a mixup of the John Hodges of SC Rev War records).

"Edmund Hodges was a child of Isham Hodges, who may be a son of the elder John Hodge(s), Sr., and a brother to your John Hodges and my Sarah Hodge(s). Mary, Isham's wife, and Edmund were administrators of Isham's estate in 1798. "

Edmund Hodges, father-Isham Hodges of Marlboro County SC, lived in Sevier Co. TN after 1812)...."

Feb. 5, 1795. Deed of Gift. ISHAM HODGES and MARY HODGES, his wife, of Marlborough County, State of S.C. on the one part and MARY HARRY, daughter of JOHN & SARAH HODGES. We do give, one negroe woman named Phillis, one negroe boy named George .............Signed ISHAM HODGES (LS), MARY (X) her mark.............

This deed of gift is interesting. It shows that a John in our line was married to Sarah and that they had a child Mary who married a Harry. This could be our John who m. Ann Standard.

Because the above deeds may cause some confusion at the time people lived near and on both sides of the Pedee River - those on the east side in Marlborough County and on the west side in Darlington County.

auditor's account for pay issued to Isham and Joseph Hodges, and Isham Hodges collected pay due John Hodges, Marlborough County, South Carolina

Hodge(s) references in Minutes of the County Court:
6 09001786 Isom Ack. Deed; Tristram Thomas to Isam Hodges for 80A
7 12061786 Isam S Isam Hodges vs. Prissilla Chamless & James James by Jury
8 12061786 Isam S Thomas Boid vs. Isam Hodges;Plntiff non?suited 5/ & costs
12 03061787 Isom CW Court Witness: Jams.Due, Wm.& Mary Gordon vs Hillison
13 03061787 Isam S Isam Hodges vs Thomas Stephens Judg. By Default.
15 09031787 Isham PJ Appointed to Petit Jury for Term
17 09061787 ?Hodges S Thomas vs Hodges deft confesses Judgt for 10/14/8 Pym
17 09051787 Isam S Thos Stephens vs Isam Hodges; agreed
19 12041787 Isham D Isham Hodges to Jno Stubbs 88A; acknowleged & recorded
20 12041787 Isham S John Odum vs Isham Hodges; Trover. Jury finds for defndt
22 06001790 Isam Apt Appointed as Appraiser to Estate of Wm Terrill
27 09071790 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Saml Sparks. Debt Issue joined.
27 09071790 Isham Apt Appointed Appraiser to estate of Josiah Kolb
28 09091790 Isham App Isham Hodges informd Court likely to suffer from Security
30 12061790 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Samuel Sparks. Debt. Jury finds for Pltf.
30 12061790 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thos Downer. Issue Joined.
31 12061787 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Heazans; Dedimus issued?A.Turner
32 03031788 Isham D Isham Hodges to Wm. Stubbs; 400A; Appeared to Record
34 03031788 Isham S Thomas Evans vs Isham Hodges. Jdgmt affirmed on appeal.
34 03031788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Heagan; Trover. Pltff non suited.
34 03031788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Wm Branham. P Sums. Judgmt by Deflt
35 03031788 Isham S Duncan McRa&Co vs Isham Hodge. P. Sums. Decree for Pltf
38 06051788 Isam S Clerk vs James Moore & Isam Hodges; Agreed at Deft Costs
38 06051788 Isham S Mehetibel Lide vs Isham Hodges; Decree for the Pltf 8/19/9 &
38 06051788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs John Wilson; Damage; contd till next court.
39 06041789 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Stevens; continued.
40 06041789 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Heagan;Costs not paid by Pltf as agreed
46 03021790 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thos Stevens;Attachmt Dismissed at Pltf cost
48 09021788 Isham PJ Appointed as Petit Juror
49 09021788 Isham PJ Isham Hodges, foreman for Pltf, John Daniel vs Joel McNatt
49 09021788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs. Daniel Sparks; Debt; Jury found for Pltff
49 09021788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Heagin. Trover. Continued at Pltf cost
49 09021788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs John Wilson. Decree for the deft.
51 12031788 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thos Stevens; Attachment for L32 Stg.
53 03021789 Isham GJ Appt to serve on Grand Jury for June Term 2 to 3
54 03031789 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Hegan;Jury finds for deft w/ cost of suit
54 03031789 Isham S Isham Hodges vs John Due;Damage;Jury finds for deft do.abve
55 03031789 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Peter Heagans;New trial granted;Pltf pays cst
57 03071791 Isham S Eli John vs Jesse Wilds & Isham Hodges.Debt. Judgmt by deflt
57 03091791 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Downer; Continued.
58 09011791 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Downer; continued at Pltff costs
58 09011791 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Richard Stinson; continued
60 03021792 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Downer; Attachment; Non suit.
60 03021792 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Richard Stinson; Decree for the deft. w/ cost
60 03021792 Isham S Isham Hodges vs John McCartey; Attachmt. Discontind at Pltf
61 03021792 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Downer; (See Welcome Hodges)
61 03021792 Welcome S Acknowledges himself special bail for Thomas Downer (abve)
62 09031792 Isom S Wm Smith vs Isom Hodges. Capias. Find for Pltff L12/8/2 stg
63 09031792 Isham PJ Appointed to Petit Jury from Terms No 1 to No 2
64 03021793 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas Downer; Attachmt; Judgmt; non suit
65 09031793 Isham S Robert Allison & wife vs Isham Hodges & Gully Moore; Debt
66 09031793 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Samuel Sparks; Writ of Fiere Facias agt Deft.
66 09031793 Isham S Is.Hodges vs Thos&Ann Stephen;Attchmt;EC.Debruhl grnshee
66 09031793 Isham Ord Orders that Sheriff sell 2 stray horses,1 found by Isham Hodges
67 03011794 Isham S Henry Coggeshall & Co vs Isham Hodges; Deft confesses debt
67 03011794 Isham S Robt.Alison&wife vs Isham Hodges&Gully Moore; Debt cont.
67 03011794 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thomas & Ann Stevens; Attachment; contind
67 03011794 Isham S Duncan McRa vs Isham Hodges. Continued.
69 09011794 Isham S Robert Allison & wife vs Isham Hodges&Gulley Moore; for Pltf
69 09011794 Isham S Isham Hodges vs Thos & Ann Stephens; Attchmt; Continued
71 09021794 Isham S William Robertson ind'ee vs Isham Hodges. P S; Dismissed.
79 03051796 Isham GJ Aptd to G.J. w/ Welcom Hodges, Moses&Aaron Pearson Senr
80 09021796 Isham S Duncan McRa vs Isham Hodges. Continued
84 03011797 Isam S Duncan McRa vs Isam Hodges;Scire Facias;Ordered executn
84 03011797 Isam S Isam Hodges vs John Murdock; Non suit.
85 09011797 Isam GJ Aptd to G.J. w/ Welcom Hodges, Moses & Aaron Pearson
87 09011797 Isam S Isam Hodges vs John Murdock;suit stayed until prev.suit pd.
90 09011798 Isam GJ Isam Hodges & Aaron Pearson Senr (Nos 19&20) aptd to GJ. It is interesting to note that Isam and Aaron appear together for the first time just nine months after their son and daughter's wedding. The sheriff who wrote up the list must have had this in his mind as he was writing.
92 09021798 Hodges S Jonathan Gift vs McPherson & Hodges. Appeal ; Continued
95 09041799 Isam S Jonathan Gift vs D.McPherson & I.Hodges;appeal;judgmt revrsd
100 05071793 Isham Adm Isham Hodges entered into bond w/ William Fields, security, for admin. Of the estate of Turtle McCloud, Joab Hodges, Mark Hodges, Edmond Hodges, and Charles Stewart decd
100 05071793 Isham Apr Isham Hodges & others apptd appraisers of estate of Henry Councell decd.
102 03031794 Isham Apr Isham Hodges & others apptd appraisers of estate of William Terrall decd.
82 09031796 Hodges S John Murdock vs Hodges & Harry
104 12011794 Isham Adm David Harry and Isham Hodges returned a citation legally published for the admn. On the estate of Ann Thompson decd; entered into bond with Benjamin Thomas and James Moore securitites
110 12031798 Isom Adm Mary Hodges and Edmond Hodges returned acitation duly published praying for admn on the estate of Isom Hodges decd which was granted, ordered that they enter bond with David Mandeville & Aaron Pearson, (Jr.) Securities for L1,500
110 12031798 Isom Adm Mary Hodges & Edmond Hodges returned an appraismement of the estate of Isom Hodges. Ordered that the sd. Adms. & admor be permitted to sell one waggon and one cow and calf.
112 07241801 Isom Adm Mary Hodges admx. Of Isom Hodges decd. Made application for sale of 2 head of cattle and one feather bed.

Per Bob Hodges [email protected]

Nov. 10, 1798 Notice to kindred and creditors of Isom Hodges to appear and show cause if any there be why Mary Hodges and Edmond Hodges shoulf not be granted letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of Isom Hodges late of said County Deceased.

Dec. 3, 1798 Administrators' bond for Mary Hodges, Edmond Hodges, David Mandville, and Aaron Pearson.for 1500 pounds sterling.

Dec. 13, 1798 Commission to Welcome Hodges, Josiah David, Joseph Cottneham, John Dyer and Markey McNatt to appraise estate.

Feb. 28, 1799 A Schedule of the Notes and Accounts due the Estate of Isom Hodges decd taken by us this 28th day of February 1799 (List of notes and accounts)

Mar 1, 1799 Letters of administration granted to Mary and Edmond Hodges.

Jul. 25, 1799 Record of sale on account of the Estate of Isom Hodges Decd made by the Admitrx and Admor.

Apr. 30, 1800 Account current

Jul. 24, 1801 Account current

Oct. 3, 1805 Power of sale for personal property granted to Edmd and Mary Hodges.

Jan. 1806 Account current to Jan. 1, 1806.

The last account has the most information. It records that on Jan. 7, 1805 the administrators paid Isham Hodges 8 pounds 15s. toward his part of the estate, and John Hodges $70 toward his part of the estate. On Nov. 3rd 1805 the administrators by permission sold four negroes (Jude, Ned, Bill, and Nelly) to Mary Hodges and 1 boy Jack to Edmond Hodges, and also Jeffrey, Amy, Juno, Lucy, Jett, and Peter to other buyers.

Sarah James 06121800 Sarah James produced the last will of Thomas Alexander James decd, which was proved by the oath of John Dewitt Junr. Sara James entered into bond with John Dewitt Junr & Samuel Wilds Junr. Securities for $10,000. Check will for a Mary Hodges, wife of Isham Hodges?

Hodge, Isham RR; HG 2:174 (1750-) Private, 3 SC, enlisted 8 July 75, reenlisted 20 Sept. 76; POW 9 Jan. 79; b. in Va; height 5'11"

Isham is admin on Edmond, Mark & Joab Hodges; requested from court 15 Oct 1792,
Admin Bond for 60 lbs of sterling awarded to Isham Hodges & William FIELDS 7 May 1793.

[S800] [S1632] [S982]

                                                          _(QUERY of all Hodges in my database) HODGES _
                       _(RESEARCH QUERY-My JOHN) HODGES _|
                      |                                  |
                      |                                  |______________________________________________
 _John HODGES I_______|
| (1720 - 1778)       |
|                     |                                   ______________________________________________
|                     |                                  |                                              
|                     |__________________________________|
|                                                        |
|                                                        |______________________________________________
|--Isham HODGES Sr.
|  (1750 - 1798)
|                                                         ______________________________________________
|                                                        |                                              
|                      __________________________________|
|                     |                                  |
|                     |                                  |______________________________________________
|                     |                                                                                 
  (1720 - 1791)       |
                      |                                   ______________________________________________
                      |                                  |                                              












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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

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Nellie Mae HOVER




ABT 1809 - ____

ID Number: I71448

  • RESIDENCE: Florence, AL
  • BIRTH: ABT 1809
  • RESOURCES: See: [S1580] [S1759]
Father: Jesse LEFTWICH
Mother: Sallie (Sarah) BRISCOE

                                                    _Augustine LEFTWICH Sr._+
                                                   | (1715 - 1795) m 1736   
                           _Augustine LEFTWICH Jr._|
                          | (1744 - 1835) m 1765   |
                          |                        |_Mary MOXLEY ___________+
                          |                          (1720 - 1777) m 1736   
 _Jesse LEFTWICH _________|
| (1775 - 1841) m 1804    |
|                         |                         _Richard TURNER ________+
|                         |                        | (1729 - 1769) m 1748   
|                         |_Mary "Molly" TURNER ___|
|                           (1750 - 1821) m 1765   |
|                                                  |_Nancy Ann JOHNS _______+
|                                                    (1732 - 1822) m 1748   
|--Amanda W. LEFTWICH 
|  (1809 - ....)
|                                                   _George BRISCOE ________+
|                                                  | (1724 - ....) m 1741   
|                          _John BRISCOE __________|
|                         | (1741 - 1799) m 1785   |
|                         |                        |_Mary WARREN ___________+
|                         |                          (1725 - ....) m 1741   
|_Sallie (Sarah) BRISCOE _|
  (1787 - 1839) m 1804    |
                          |                         _Notley WARREN _________+
                          |                        | (1730 - ....)          
                          |_Charity WARREN ________|
                            (1755 - ....) m 1785   |





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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.

Dorothea MASON

ABT 1550 - ____

ID Number: I42923

Family 1 : John ROLFE
  1. +John ROLFE "the Immigrant"





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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.

James Willson MCELHANEY




ABT 1725 - AFT 13 Sep 1782

ID Number: I46244

  • RESIDENCE: Caroline Co. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1725, Caroline Co. VA
  • DEATH: AFT 13 Sep 1782, Caroline Co. VA
  • RESOURCES: See: [S1662]
Father: Silvester PATTIE
Mother: Sarah

Family 1 : Sarah
  1. +John PATTIE
  2. +Sallie PATTIE

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Silvester PATTIE ___|
| (1695 - 1746)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--James PATTIE 
|  (1725 - 1782)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
  (1700 - 1746)       |
                      |   __
                      |  |  




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.


ABT 1805 - ____

ID Number: I94223

  • RESIDENCE: Casey Co. KY
  • BIRTH: ABT 1805, Casey Co. Kentucky
  • RESOURCES: See: [S3466]

Family 1 : Venson PEYTON
  1. +Lucinda PEYTON




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.


ABT 1788 - ABT 1812

ID Number: I96593

  • RESIDENCE: Wilkinson and Copiah Cos. MS
  • BIRTH: ABT 1788, Wilkinson Co.Mississippi
  • DEATH: ABT 1812
  • RESOURCES: See: [S3538]

Family 1 : Stephen CALLENDER
  1. +William Coleman CALLENDER




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.